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With the completion of the White Greatwyrm all the Chromatic Greatwyrms are now complete. They are all split up and each piece is oriented for optimal FDM printing. I've also presupported the pieces for large resin printers. 

Full files are in the Fizban's Treasury of Dragons folder. 

Public Links to them all:

Tomorrow I'll work on some requests. Take care friends and stay safe :) 



April Hale

These all look so cool- I can't wait til my resin resupply arrives and I can print them! Regarding requests, I know you said nothing from games/movies, but what about from literature? I've got an idea, but don't want to cross any lines.


Can’t wait to see the Sea Serpent from Fizban’s

Erik Johnson

Are these supported for resin? I thought I saw that they were, but all I see in the downloads are unsupported


The split up pieces in the drive are presupported. The public file is just the model itself.