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Hello my friends! First off, thank you all for your continued support! I love making free 3D printable minis for the world to enjoy and you ensure that I can! Last month was a blast! I loved the balance I found making spooky models, your requests, and updates to the Monster Manual Appendix A creatures. This month I plan to continue this pattern, but instead of the spooky it'll be...

Fizben's Treasury of Dragon Minis!

Yup that is correct! This month I plan on modeling some of the cool and unique dragons from this amazing book. Expect some really bizarre and out of this world dragons! I will however still make models from requests happen, update the animals from Appendix A and also...

Acquisitions Incorporated minis for Pax Unplugged! 

Every Pax Unplugged I have the honor of handing to the cast of Acq Inc minis I've made of their characters or NPCs of consequence from their games. Expect some new C-Team minis, as well as other weird characters to be added to this collection! 

3D Printing and Mini Painting Contest Theme

Thanks to everyone who posted on last month's contest! I've messaged the winners and your prizes will be sent out soon! This month's theme will be Dragons in honor of the new book. I'll make a post about this contest around Nov 15

Once Again, THANK YOU!!!

From the bottom of my heart I sincerely thank you all for keeping this going. Its been an amazing experience and I look forward to the many cool new art pieces to make this month. Keep being the amazing and generous people that you are! 


The MZ4250 Oct 2021 Recap Gallery! Free STL links below each image!

Hello friends! Here is a recap gallery of what I've made in Oct 2021! Like all of my 3000+ D&D models I've made over the years these are free and the links are below each image. This month is a mix of Patreon requests, Monster Manual updates, Wild Beyond the Witchlight PCs, and spooky monsters from Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft!


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