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Hello friends! Today's projects are: 

Lizardfolk King/Queen - Given they are reptile people my lizard folk models can be either male or female. I'm not delving into the Lizard people boob debate sorry lol. Full files are in Monster Manual - L - Lizardfolk 

Werebear - I do love working on Lycanthropes! His hulking fuzzy deadly hug factory can be found in L - Lycanthropes - Werebear. 

Given I've already worked on the Wereboar when I made Descent into Avernus I'll go to the Wererat next. Take care friends :) 




You are a *machine*.


Fantastic work! Would it be possible to get a werebear without the axe? Or is there already something like that and I'm just overlooking it?


That was uploaded already and I believe you are overlooking it lol


> I'm not delving into the Lizard people boob debate sorry 😂


Especially loving the lizardfolk. I think, among very many brilliant sculpts, it's my favourite so far. I've said it before, my friend, you are a shining light in the 3d printing community, which I joined largely because of your work.