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Hello friends! This weekend for fun I'm going to make some of the monsters from the Kobold Press- Creature Codex book! First up is the Arcanaphage. I made a new folderin the Google Drive just for creatures in this book. Whenever I get around to making stuff from that book or get Request Board minis you'll know where to find em :-) 

File here too:  https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3576661 



Douglas Rector

Yes they are nice about such things, their monsters are all open source also. Tell them you are doing it and they will probably promote it for you.


Oh I know! They are some of the nicest people out there in this field. If I had more time I'd push for some kind of co-action with them. How cool would it be if I was their "guy" for making their models or something? haha

Douglas Rector

Very cool - and very possible.


Lol naah. I'm busy enough as it is. I'd only push something like this with them, Wizards, etc if Ii didn't have a full time job anymore. *knocks on wood*