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Hello folks! If you tuned in this morning while I 3D modeled thank you! I modeled a few more Request Board models! Here is a  Vilderavn from Pathfinder! 

From now on when I make a Pathfinder creature it will be located in a new Pathfinder Folder in the Google Drive. I don't think I can put it in the Commercial Drive though :-/ 

Stl also here:  https://www.shapeways.com/product/G6BEZJJW4/vilderavn 

I also made a Female Tiefling Paladin! 

She's in both Drives under Adventurers - Paladins. You can find the stl here too:  https://www.shapeways.com/product/MDWVZS6AW/tiefling-female-paladin 

I also made an Abyssal Wretch from MTOF as you can see pictured on top :-) Its in the MTOF folder under Demons but also here:  https://www.shapeways.com/product/D8PHA52NR/abyssal-wretch 

Time to print that freaky looking dude :-D Have a great weekend everyone! 



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