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Here is the next demon from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes! I recommend printing him on his back, as printing him as is will lead to messed up teeth, unless you have a really solid support game going on. 

File in the MTOF folder in the Google Drive. The stl is here too: https://www.shapeways.com/product/CKAURV2SG/molydeus

Looks like a 21 hour print. This should be fun lol. 




Love this. Very cool


Oh! Do you think you might give him a weapon made by a Demon Prince like described in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes at some point? I think the book described it as each Demon Prince having a signature weapon that they gift their Molydeus’.


Whoops already printing. But yeah I can make adjustments in the future :-)