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This version of the wolf should be a bit easier to print. The pose makes it easier to remove supports (which you don't need a lot of), the legs are thicker, and its been sized up. I mean have you seen real wolves? THEY'RE HUGE! 

Anyway its in the Share Drives under Appendix A: Misc Creatures - Wolf. The old wolf files are in their own folder. You can also find the files here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2847707




Finally... These ones have been looking forward to this...


Haha, now I need to print & paint the wolves again... Need some more for carrion crown part 3 anyway. Thank you for the update!


What orientation do you suggest printing this in? Do you use automatic Cura supports, or custom supports?


Automatic works fine. Experiment with using floors and roofs. Prints as is for FDM. For resin print it on it's side at a 45 degree angle or on it's back.


Thank you, keep up the amazing work! I'm super happy you're redoing the MM.


YES!!!! I just became a patron yesterday. One of the things I need for my campaign this weekend is 4 Wolves. And I've been having a bit of trouble with the old one and supports fusing with the front legs. This should work perfectly!!!! Thank you!


Printed out 3 last night just fine! I was able to get the supports out without any manual support tinkering, and having more supports in general all thanks to the changed leg position. Thanks again! :D I'll do my best to remember to send you pics once they are all painted up! Now, on to the Nothic!


<a href="https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1-0-PdUTFtl2rY7sj_S1yoqhikoRMKX_N" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1-0-PdUTFtl2rY7sj_S1yoqhikoRMKX_N</a>


This includes pics of both new and old models. And a wierd 3 legged one of the old model that didn't print the leg properly. But he's going to be the bugbears pet in the starter sets Phandelver adventure. And some of the old model with the front two legs fused. I've got some mini files coming tomorrow and I'll start working on cleaning them up!


And I just added some of the Nothic that just printed out. I'm going to print him again with less supports. He separated from the base while I was getting the supports out. Which isn't a problem. His left legs are bigger than they should be bc of the supports. And he has messed up face probably due to lack of support. So I'm going to play with supports and print him again. Debating doing him in the 2 pieces print.


All very impressive. Thanks for sharing!


Printed ten of these now on FDM. Eight of them came out right. There appears to be a tendency for one or both hind legs to be disjointed slightly to one side. considering the former print success rate without breakage of 0%, the improvement to 80% is pretty significant. Could be a result of orientation of on the horizontal plane in relation to printer's movement pattern?


I guess I'll need to thicken the hind legs. No matter what this model seems to always be a challenge.


wolves aren't easy when scaled down this far, no. here's an image of the error we get: <a href="https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/287720687655976970/554384521248636928/20190310_202530.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/287720687655976970/554384521248636928/20190310_202530.jpg</a>


I updated the file last night by thickening the legs and making the feet bigger. Something tells me no matter what this won't be a print and forget model anyway. Sometimes glue, sanding, molding clay, and a paint job will always have to make up where the print doesn't :-/


Finished painting the ones I printed out last week. Uploaded to the same share folder. I'm new to painting so I honestly don't know if I could have done them better. But I'm hapoy with them!


Nice. You can use imgur links in the future btw. Its free and pretty easy to use to show off pics :-)


Btw if you want to learn how to paint minis, I used this channel: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr0dufkF0J0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr0dufkF0J0</a> The first 10 vids are all you need :-D


Will do on the imgur! And thanks for the YT link. I'll check them out. :)