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Here are two more models from the request board completed today! Durnan the barkeep of the Yawning Portal (https://www.shapeways.com/product/9RJQBX86C/durnan) and a Evil Snowman Warrior (https://www.shapeways.com/product/L4QZDNBNW/evil-snowman)

For Durnan I added a Folder in the Sharedrive called "Waterdeep". I'll use that as a placeholder for future models that have to do with the new campaigns based off of that city :-D 

The Snowman files are in the S folder. Commercial drive too :-)




Yahhhhssss I needed Durnan for my Waterdeep Campaign I’m about to start. Glad someone requested him


Yes!!! I started running Dragon Heist last month, and I’m so happy to see some more models that I can use for that campaign.