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Hello folks. So it looks like I won't be reporting to my full time job in my small gov't office tomorrow due to the shutdown. This means I'll be treating my 3D modeling / printing passion like a full time job as I stated earlier. 

The plan will be model a patron request, paint a personal project model, model another request, paint a personal project, in that order like its a full time job. I'll obviously take breaks here and there. I'll shoot for starting at 9am and ending at 5pm. I plan to stream my modeling sessions on twitch too (https://www.twitch.tv/mz4250/ ). 

I'm going to make the best of this situation. At least I can finally knock out some of your fun requests and get some passion projects done. Wish me luck everyone! 



Are you taking requests? Or you're doing ones you already have from before?


Yeah if you go to one of my previous posts I put down the link where to post them. I'm going to continue from where I left off from my marathon


just remember to have fun. and please do show pictures of all your printed and painted miniatures too.