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I just modeled this fella for one of my Young Dragons: https://www.shapeways.com/product/TB6EPBL29/tiefling-wizard-with-beastly-horns

Also Admin Update! I created a new folder in the Share Drive that will hold all the new models I made in September. It'll be emptied in October, but for now it'll help folks find recent models :-)

Also the Adventurers Folder, which holds all my PCs and NPCs, will be out in its own folder rather than under letter  A. This folder is divided by class, not by race. 



Douglas Rector

Thank You - that makes things much easier!

Douglas Rector

Are you going to put new models in subfolders according to where they would belong on the folder tree?


Yup I will put new models both in the New Month file and their actual folder folders.