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Hello friends! Today I cut loose and just made whatever I felt like so I worked on the next Spelljammer Ship, the Tyrant! This is a ship that Beholders use in space and its about as weird as it gets when it comes to these ships haha. If flies in the orientation of the ship above, but the inside is oriented the other way with the eyestalks on top.

Today I was able to make a tiny version ready for ship to ship combat, and I made a full sized version that lines up with the maps in the book. I also actually made interior space so you can actually use minis inside it :)

However this is very time consuming process as I still need to make this actually printable haha. That's a whole other days worth of work so I'll definitely complete this next week!

My take on the Tyrant Ship is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.

Have a great weekend friends! This will be ready soon!



William Foresman

Dude, this ship series you're doing is awesome! Thank you!