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Reintroduced in the epilogue parts of the OmniV Story Chapter, Sofia (aka Lady Kyria) is the newest main Omnivoyant gril to join the cast!~ ٩(˃ᗜ˂๑ )و A leader of her own team similar to her childhood friend Rev, Sofia will now take on the additional role as mentor to her fellow Enarxi, Ella!

[Still in the works~ Will find more time later to finish it up! T    v  T7]

Additional Details on Omnivoyant Powers:
-Similar to Ella and Path, Sofia and Pall are able to communicate with their thoughts. However, whenever Pall astral projects, this ability goes away along with the rest of their powers.

-Sofia and Pall are able to sense other Enarxi when they go active, but the other Enarxi do not possess this ability and are unable to sense Sofia and Pall.

As an Enarxi, Sofia has access to a wide range of incredibly powerful abilities:
-Psychometry: Sofia can see the recent “memories” of objects by reading the residual energy left behind by whoever touched it last. For example, this power could be used to easily identify who stole the cookie from the cookie jar. Through a trick that Pall taught her, Sofia can also “bless” objects with her own energy so she can keep tabs on these objects even from a great distance for remote viewing. This is essentially mixing her powers of psychometry and clairvoyance together and is how she was able to watch over Rev while they were apart all those years; the charm necklace Rev wore would glow whenever Sofia used this power to check in on him and his surroundings.

-Telepathy: Sofia is able to communicate with and transfer information to another mind. This requires direct and prolonged eye contact with the other participant however.

-Mind reading: Sofia can view the thoughts and memories of another mind. This also requires direct and prolonged eye contact with the other participant, and also requires them to open up their mind to Sofia. It isn’t entirely reliable however, as mentally strong-willed people can provide Sofia with false information/memories to read when they open their minds to her. In this case, it’s up to Sof’s own intelligence to determine the truth from the lies~

-Danger sense/Precognition: Sofia can sense potential danger before it happens, providing her time to react to it. However, her clumsiness may sometimes end up offsetting the benefits of this power…

-Future sight: Sofia’s most powerful, complicated, and dangerous ability. Through a unified, cooperative effort between Pall and Sofia, the pair are able to view muddy and dream-like visions of future events before they occur. However, the events are limited to their own future. For example, the two cannot see the immediate outcome of a battle if they do not participate in it, since it is not a part of their future. They also have no control in what events they foresee when taking a glimpse into the future, and determining when those events will occur is also a challenge without picking out context clues in the vision. For instance, using future sight could provide a vision of an event five minutes from now, or five years. It acts as a bit of a lottery: you never know if you will receive a hopeful vision, or one filled with despair. In addition, the visions of the future truly are “dream-like” in the sense that once the vision ends, it is hard to remember details or even most of the vision itself if enough time passes. Sofia keeps a small journal where she wrote down anything she remembered from these visions as accurately as possible (akin to a dream journal), although there is still much she missed or forgot after those visions ended. Any future events they see seem fated to happen without fail, meaning nothing can be done to avoid that outcome.

-Sofia’s ability to see into the future is one she almost never uses anymore due to her fear of it. When she was younger, curiosity got the better of her and she took a glimpse into her future. Most of what she saw in that vision has since been forgotten, but one moment was burned into her memory: the death of someone she would come to consider a close friend. She cannot recall who it was she saw, only that she watched them die in another friend’s lap. She hasn’t used her power of foresight since.

-Sensory Manipulation: Sofia can manipulate the sensory information that others receive via an invisible aura that can be emitted by Pall, influencing what others can see, smell, hear, feel, etc. For example, this aura can mess with the wavelengths of visible light that others process through their eyes, providing Sofia with something of a camouflage that can keep her inconspicuous. This power can also be extended to others through consistent touch (such as handholding), enveloping them in the aura as well, but it is more taxing on Pall. Cameras and technology are unaffected by the aura however, and Sofia can still be seen on camera as if nothing was different.

-Memory Altering: Likewise, this aura that Pall can emit is also capable of altering the recent memories of those that come into contact with it. Should they deem it necessary, these memories can be rewritten by Sofia and Pall, however it is a demanding process that takes a lot out of the both of them. Sofia rarely uses this power in part because of the demand it requires of Pall and always asks for the Psūkhḗ’s permission before using it.

-Emitting this aura for a prolonged duration can be pretty taxing and Pall will have to take a breather afterwards by astral projecting.
-Although Sofia’s powers could have some uses in combat scenarios, her general clumsiness would prevent her from effectively using her powers on the offensive…

-Pall is short for Pallas, a reference to the epithet given to the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Athena.
-Likewise, Sofia is derived from the Greek Σοφία or σοφία, meaning ‘Wisdom’.
-Kyria is derived from the Greek κυρία, meaning ‘Lady’. So… ‘Lady Kyria’ can translate to ‘Lady Lady’~

-Sofia is incredibly clumsy; tripping often, accidentally dropping things, and generally lacking in dexterity. However, what she lacks in physical ability she makes up for with her mind! Sofia is a very smart individual with a high intelligence quotient. She also has a great intuition and a photographic memory to boot.
-Chai calls Sofia ‘Dummy’ due to her clumsiness and her tendency to zone out and get lost in her thoughts. As best friends, Sofia is often the victim of Chai’s teasing (even while the latter is performing maid duties).
-Sofia is often clumsy with her words as well. She sometimes goes long periods of speaking without taking a breath, trips over and flubs her words, or shouts incoherent gibberish when surprised. Despite this, she still loves to talk!
-As many of you learned through her AMA, Sofia is a big fan of wordplay and puns (both clever and not-so-clever).
-She sometimes swears but never gets genuinely angry.

-Sofia is the only friend of Chai’s who knows her legal first name (‘Chai’ is more of a nickname that stuck with her since she was a toddler).
-Although Sofia is a year younger than Rev, she still calls him her ‘baby brother’. Out of everyone in her old group, she was definitely closest to him.
-Like the rest of Arc-en-ciel, Sofia addresses Rev by a shortened version of his first name instead of his surname. His full name is Arcène Rêveur, and Sof calls him ‘Arcy’ (pronounced ‘Ar-see’) instead of ‘Rev’.

-Sofia is a lesbian, although she is not very practiced when it comes to romance. Still, she does find a certain blonde to be quite the cutie~
-Chai often playfully teases Sofia by getting physically close to her or wearing revealing clothing. She always enjoys Sofia’s flustered reactions.

-Due to the care Sofia and Pall take to maintaining their secrecy, the only ones who know of Lady Kyria’s true identity as Sofia are those who live with her. Even other OmniV groups that Kyria sends supplies and information to do not know her identity or her appearance.
-Sofia often wears the cloak to help maintain the secrecy of her identity as Lady Kyria.
-Omnivoyant are the only ones capable of seeing Pall when astral projecting. Kuro agents may achieve limited visibility of the astral projecting shape, but OmniV can see Pall clearly. Normal humans cannot see Pall whatsoever, but everyone is capable of hearing her*. (*Psūkhḗ like Pall and Path will always assume the same pronouns as their human partner~)
-Prolonged time together in Sofia’s body can have potentially negative and damaging effects on her mind, so Pall ‘takes breaks’ often by astral projecting.
-Pall is able to take on various ethereal forms with her current favorite being that of a flowing orb with butterfly wings. The form Pall took for most of her previous partners (Sofia’s ancestors) was that of a small round owl.


Phewwwww I'm slowly getting her story text out! T     v   T/ Gotta leave it here for now tho cuz I hav other projects in dire need of progress!! :0 Thank you for your kind words so far y'all! (´   v    `ʃƪ) I'm glad you like the newest OmniV gril!



Purple Paradox

Great to see the full sheet, she looks awesome! Pall as an owl is also surprisingly cute! All we need is for them to perch on Sofia's shoulder! And I love how the effect on Sofia's eyes when her powers are active is the same symbol as her necklace! Great idea on that front! Also, purple best colour fight me >V>


Look at these beautiful eyes, it would be a shame to blindfold them 😏


She’s so adorable, absolutely love her hair!


She a very pretty lady🥰 but oh my god the spongebob milk carton has me dying here bruh


Her cloak OH MY GOSH!! Love to see more of these character sheets pop up, your gals are always so well designed and fascinating to read about!!! >w<


I absolutely love this design. She looks like a mysterious waif, when in reality she's just a lovable dork. Very appropriate that one of her nicknames is "dummy." Although it does make me worry if the Omnivoyant group is going to be alright with somebody like her in charge. Can't have one of their leaders zoning out when she's needed the most.


Love this colour palette! ♥


Omg yes, she's absolutely precious! She deserves all the headpats! I can't wait to see more of her in the future! \( o w O )/ Why is your OC design always so divine, Mag? I'm jelly! T v T PS : I love how all her nicknames show respect and status except that "Dummy" thrown in there XD


Ahhhh I love her! She’s amazing Mags!


Not only is she super duper adorable but her powers make her possibly one of the most, powerful omnivoyants. Good thing she's on the good grills side else she would be a very difficult adversary since she can manipulate perception and alter memories! Btw, I simply ADORE those eyes when her powers are active! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

Bryan Holland

Beautiful girl you have there so what situations will she be in? And 2ill she get bound and gagged a lot?


Everything about her is so freaking adorable! Her colors, design, personality, and of course...The spilt spongebob milk XD I also looooove how one of her nicknames is “Dummy” despite being the Enarxi of Wisdom >w< Once again Mag, you’ve gifted us with a super interesting, mega cute, incredibly unique gril~💕 I cannot WAIT to see the doofy situations she’s gonna find herself in~💜 Perfect job as always 😊


I knew it Hana x Sofia

willl sargent

Wo all the psychic stuff sounds intense! It reminds me of this, I bet it could be her theme song! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGKNaIXtBZQ


Great work as always.