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In the biggest poll we've had thus far with 44 entries (I allowed more than 25 for this time aha), the gril appearing in a sequel to one of my previous draws is gonna be Samus!~ 🥇
She is also now the current recordholder for most votes in a single poll at 197~ 🏆 :O

I recall mentioning that an additional poll would follow to decide on the scenario (based on what was previously suggested when she was submitted to da poll), but I think I should be able to come up with something for Samus from what was provided to me~ X3

Thanks for voting y'all!~ (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭ु⁾⁾
I do find some of the results pretty interesting tho haha XPc Like, manyyy of the grils above had more votes in the 'Additional Voting' poll than the 'Standard Voting' poll, which makes me think that many of ya forgot to put your votes over there too... 😅 Also, the fact that folks would rather see another draw of Nino Nakano than a new draw with one of her siblings I thought was interesting too XP

Anyways, I wanna try and make this a productive week so I'ma get back to it hereeeee ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-
( ง ò 0 ó)ง



Ayyyy very nice! Twas the girl I suggested AND the one I most wanted to win. Love to see it. Can't wait to see what you come up with for her! Samus was already in a pretty tight spot before, but now I feel like she's gonna be REALLY stuck, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing what situation you put her in. :)

daniel mariano

Whoa, there were a lot of alts in that pic, Mag. You got your work cut out for ya. Anyway, really eager to see what you come up with.


Aww wouldve loved the Sam sequel 🥹