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Bogo's diet and exercise plans fell through in spectacular fashion while his weight skyrockets- but he totally has this under control, trust him.



Bogo had done his best to put a stop to the weekly meetings the mayor wanted to set up— he had to after his XXL pants split apart in the middle of his daily briefing. The chief's usual strategies for keeping his weight in check had failed utterly in keeping up with the new habits McHorn had thrusted upon him. He quietly cursed the day he had ever heard of Gideon Grey's bakery, but even removing himself from City Hall hadn't stopped the onslaught of fattening treats in his life, not after McHorn named the bakery a sponsor of the police department. Now, he couldn't go the day without facing temptation— and falling to it every time.

The buffalo had ballooned into an enormous, bloated parody of himself, with reams of fat that were the consistency of fried dough; he would need to file a form with requisitions to get a pachyderm-sized cruiser, after he flattened his old model. His gigantic stone-grey landslide of a belly was one box of donuts away from dragging on the floor, and billowed out in all directions. It was supported by blubbery, trunk-sized legs, matched by a rear so immense and bulbous, it was like a pair of overstuffed pillows spilling over a pair of desk chairs. His custom-made uniform was almost useless for covering up, the button-down shirt clinging to a sprawling, pillowy chest, multiple chins spilling over his collar, sleeves splitting at the seams from arms swaddled in lard, and the rest of his jacket fraying at the sides as it attempted to cover the multiple thick folds of back fat.

"This has gotten ridiculous…" Bogo grunted, anxiously glancing over his broad shoulder at the sheer mass of his chair-busting rear. "I have to stop…" He said, even as he plucked another donut from the box and bit into it. "I'll just… clear out the station of these things, and that will be that. I can do this… right?"



Ian McGecko

Embrace the hugeness, big guy! 💚


Soon enough he’s gonna need more than 2 chairs to support that weight :3