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Patrick - Excelsior

I’ll try not to go too much into comments here. Just a few things. 😉 It doesn’t show well here but the scene where Sam is sad he has to leave his elvish rope behind, then suddenly it unties and falls down to him. Its implied the rope untied itself to return to him, being magic. I know you don’t always say when you recognize an actor so I will ask, did you recognize the actor playing Eomer. He is the horse guy that is brother to Eowyn. He is Karl Urban who plays Billy Butcher from The Boys. He also played the Executioner in Thor Ragnarök. In the scene where Araogorn kicks the helmet after they think Merry and Pippin where killed and burned, Aragorn screams. That’s because the actor kicked the steel helmet too hard and broke his foot. But being the committed actor he is, he just went with it and finished the day of filming. Fun fact: This entire movie is filmed in New Zealand. They had troubled finding trained horsemen for the Riders of Rohan until they came across a troup of female trick horse riders that had a show in NZ. So they hired them and put beards on their faces to make them look male. Lady Galadriel of the elves gave the Fellowship those cloaks. While the cloak doesn’t make you invisible, its magic makes it blend in with nature. Kind of like super camouflage. That’s why when Sam fell into that rockslide and Frodo threw the cloak over themselves, it looked like the rocks around them. There is a bit of a love triangle there with Aragorn, his elf girl Arwen, and Eowyn. Aragorn and Arwen are in love. But to marry him, she must forever give up her connection to being an immortal elf. This means that even when she dies, she cannot join the other elves that have journeyed back to their home in Valar. Her soul would be trapped alone forever in Middle Earth for she can’t go to human heaven either. Aragorn cares for Eowyn but doesn’t love her. She thinks she is in love with him but really just loves the idea of him, noble, kind, brave, skilled in battle, lord of men. She knows nothing of the actual person he is. Whereas Arwen has known Aragorn for 50 years. We’ve talked about relationship age differences in Ally McBeal and in Buffy, but this one is a big one. Eowyn is about 24, Aragorn is 87 and Arwen is about 2778. 😮

Patrick - Excelsior

That battle at Helm’s Deep is one of the largest battle scenes I have ever seen, and I like war movies. In fact, I can only think of one movie with a bigger battle scene. Sad seeing Haldor die. I really love how they have Gimli and Legolas playing off one another. At first enemies but now allies with their competition and humor. Gimli in these movies carries a lot of the comic relief. For example, when he tells Aragorn to toss him over the span in the battle, he is playing off the scene in the first movie when they are jumping the span on the falling stairway, he tells Boromir “No one tosses a dwarf!”. There is also some comedy in the Ents. Their slow and long language gives opportunity for humor while also reminding you of the perspective they have on the world. Being treeish, they have very log life spans, so everyone seems to speed by them and act “hasty”. Treebeard himself is the oldest living thing in Middle-Earth, be over 11,000 years old. Yes, they invented many of the CGI special effects in use today when this movie was made. As for filming location, almost all of it was filmed in New Zealand, only a tiny portion of the work was done in London. There are tour packages that take you to many of the filming locations for the 3 movies as well as The 3 Hobbit movies. In fact you can visit Bagend, the home of Frodo and Bilbo in The Shire. Where they do airings of the movie in a field and give tours of the Hobbit home. I’m glad you are enjoying the movies to some degree. Just 4 more hours to go. lol