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One sunny day, Danny's dad surprised him with a trip to the beautiful lake. Danny was excited and couldn't wait to show his thickly diapered butt to the entire world. They packed their bags and set off, with Danny proudly wearing his favorite diaper and Minecraft T-shirt.

As soon as they arrived at the lake, Danny knew he was in for a great time. The picturesque scenery took his breath away, and despite many curious glances from other tourists, he felt nothing but excitement. Danny began exploring the lake (and wetting his Drynites at the same time), taking in its magnificent views and savoring every moment.

However, as they ventured deeper into the lake's surroundings, Danny started to feel a familiar uncomfortable urge. He knew he had to go number two, instead of panicking or feeling embarrassed, Danny calmly squatted down and filled his diaper with solid poo and smiled just as he pushed the last bits out with his legs spread far and his hands resting on his knees as he enjoyed the process of pooping himself, just like he had done on many other occasions.

To his surprise, some curious tourists noticed and commented on the situation. But rather than feeling ashamed, Danny smiled brightly and acted as if it were a completely normal thing to do. His positive attitude and confidence were contagious, and soon enough, the other tourists began to smile and accept Danny for who he was.

The End

I hope you enjoyed reading the Picturestory as much as I loved taking part in it :) 

It was a truly embarrassing experience but I really enjoyed every bit of it.

Please comment below as always as I love reading your comments.

Massive hugs to the entire ABDL Community            




Good thing your dad pack some diapies in case you have a accident like that

Daniel Palmer

Love seeing u in drynites