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 On this unique trip, I was in the woods with my Daddy and we were accompanied by a group of tourists and their guide.

 I knew I had to pee and poop badly but was determined to hold it in and not make an embarrassing mess in front of all these people.

 But the feeling was quickly becoming unbearable and I could feel it just trying to escape despite my efforts.

 I was starting to sweat and I was blushing harder than ever before. 

 My Daddy noticed that something was wrong and asked me whether I need to Poo my diapers.

 I didn’t know what to say as I was already in a squatting position, desperately trying to hold the urge in when the group stopped dead in their tracks and fixated their eyes on me.

 Nobody said anything, but you could feel the waves of awkwardness in the air.

 Finally, I couldn’t wait anymore and so I pushed as hard as I could.

 The squelching sound of the poo hitting my Pull-Ups echoed through the air and I felt super embarrassed as the poop pushed my pull-ups further away from my butt creating a massive bulge in the back and you could even see brown color poop inside my leak guards as there were sagging way lower than usual.

 I started to smell like the poopy toddler I was at that moment in time. 

The tourists started to giggle and laugh and I felt really embarrassed.

 I was called some baby names like Poopy Boy,  "Are you done already?" "aren't you a bit too old for Pooping in Diapers like a Baby ??" it felt like I was going to melt onto the ground with humiliation. 

 My daddy quickly came to my rescue and told the group that I was still being potty trained and unable to use the potty properly so that’s why I had regular accidents. (Daddy Knows I like to be embarrassed and knows how to add fuel to a dumpster fire literally)

 All they did was laugh even harder.

   I had to waddle with brown poop in the back of my Yellow and Wet Pull-Ups and a telltale smell of pee & poop following me all the way to the car park listening to the comments and Giggles all the way there where my Daddy changed me in the back of the car. It was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.

  Ps. I really enjoyed the accident and the helpless babyish feeling it made me feel despite being Kinda an embarrassing experience :) It was definitely a very authentic Toddler Experience I had :)

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I did when it happened to me 

I truly felt like a Toddler in the middle of Potty Training absolutely loved every bit of it.

Big Hugs to ABDL Community around the World and remember to always    be self-confident to pursue your ABDL Dreams and most importantly!
                STAY  Thickly  DIAPERED !    Just like Me :)     Big Hugs and please Comment as Usual I love Your Comments  




Good thing your pull-ups on you accident also when you have to go you have to go

Daniel Palmer

So cute in your pull ups


*Squishes your bulge* Hey kiddo! I think thats your biggest and SMELLIEST~ ‘accident’ yet! Lets hope you dont disturb the birds.. P.ueee~