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The Story of How it all began :) Enjoy Reading.

If You're a Bedwetter here's some good and bad news :)

You're going to grow out of it (some won't) (some will wet on purpose and enjoy it) FACT they don't say in commercials.

In the meantime, there's Drynites Peejama Pants :) with boy and girl print that looks just like real underpants :) No one knows you got them on :) 

(- Unless you pee in them and they bulge like crazy and smell of pee and they tend to leak too :))

( My Comment while watching TV AD  YEah Whatever said and rolled eyes :) They look exactly like Pull-UPS Diapers DAD!!)

You often become dry in your own time in the meantime there's Drynites for your little secret.

Ps. I always loved watching Drynites Commercials when little and bedwetting and making fun of them by making silly comments about how soggy they get.

That you only get privacy before the sleepover starts cause in the morning you will smell of pee will have leaks on your PJs and Your (Diaper) will bulge like crazy making you waddle slightly or obviously.

Everyone will know anyways so what's the point :) You gonna die of embarrassment in the morning anyway. Unless you got really good friends :) of course :)

In a matter of fact, you're a Teenager and not a baby anymore and need appropriate protection but the moment you put them on you're officially a baby wearing a Diaper :) 

However, you look at it :) You're being treated like a baby now made to wear Pull-Ups again and you secretly love the feeling of security it gives you and the warm sensation around your pee pee area,  then the naughty thought hits you when you wake up in the middle of the night in a wet and soggy (warm /dry nites) with a strong urge to poo.

How about pooping in it too it would make no difference that's what these pull-ups are designed for. Wild thought hits you out of curiosity you decide to squat down and push a little bit to see what happens you lose it as the poo starts coming out of your butt and filling the back of your pull-up with your hand as it becomes sagging to the floor.

YEEES  You love the feeling soo much you just keep pushing until there's nothing left to push. The smell fills the room and it feels awesomely warm You Love the helpless baby feeling and before you know it you drift off to sleep in your wet poopy pullup.

Danny, what is this smell?

I dunno Dad I said in a sleepy tone feeling my poo now touching my pee pee and the smell is overwhelmingly strong. 

Dad, I think I pooped myself I don't know how it happened I'm sorry I said while standing there in my Wet/Poopy Drynite and looking at my feet and the design on the front of my Diaper. (IT feels really good (Maybe he will put me in diapers) I thought to myself with hope.

Don't worry honey let's clean your Poopy Butt and let's get you some Diapers for the DAY!

DIAPERS !! YES FINALLY I can Wear Diapers Full Time I Thought to myself and now not to blow it I need to remain sad and act like this was an accident.

 Not a Pooping scheme to get put back in diapers cause I like wetting myself and want to wear them all the time :))


No!   Dad, IT was an accident It won't happen again 

OK but we need to be ready for accidents so it's Pampers for you from NOW ON Toilet is off limits :) You need to poop and pee in your Diapers like a baby and tell me when you need changing. I'm also taking away your pants as these are for big boys and since you are a baby you don't need them and it's easier for me to check if you need changing in public.

Your official dress code is as follows    T-shirt, Diaper, Socks, Shoes 

If you throw a tantrum in public You will suck Pacifier as well.

If you can stay dry at night and stop pooping yourself like a toddler you can stop wearing Pampers.

-But Dad !!  Please No  I'm not a baby!

-Dad rolled his eyes chuckled and giggled slightly looking at me standing there in a fully used Pull-Up 

- Yeah Right :) LOL

-OK give me your hand and let's go to the store to buy you some Pampers.





Awwwww cute picture and story hehehehe Someone needs a diaper change hehehehe

Daniel Palmer

Think u need changing or wait until it full


To be honest that happens to be but in the bad way I get bully