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Danny woke up wet and early on a bright and sunny holiday morning, filled with anticipation for the day ahead. His dad had promised to take him on a special trip to the pine forest, a place filled with mystery and adventure.

Danny eagerly put on his favorite t-shirt and reached for a thick Crinklz diaper.

"Danny, are you ready?" his dad called from the living room.

"Almost, Dad!" I need a change please said Danny with a mischevious smile on his little face.

OK lay down on a change mat kiddo said dad in a warm fatherly tone. After taping Crinklz diaper on Danny dad took his hand and stood him up checking the leakguards with his finger. Loooking good Kiddo let s go.

Together, father and son set off on their journey to the pine forest, with Danny waddling along in his Already Wet Crinklz diaper, completely unfazed by the stares and giggles of passersby. As they entered the forest, the scent of pine trees filled the air, and Danny's heart swelled with joy at the beauty of nature surrounding him.

As they walked along a narrow trail, Danny suddenly felt a familiar pressure in his stomach. He knew what was coming - it was time to poop.

Without hesitation, he squatted down in the middle of the trail, feeling the warm solid poop touch his diaper pushing it away from his butt as the bulge in his diaper becomes obvious the familiar poopy smell fills in the air around Danny as he keeps groaning and pushing.

But before he could even finish, a group of dudes appeared from around the bend. They pointed and laughed at Danny, making fun of him for pooping in his diaper like a baby.

Danny's face turned bright red with embarrassment, and he felt tears prickling at the corners of his eyes. His dad stepped in, taking Danny's hand and standing up for him.

"Hey, it's okay," his dad said firmly to the group of dudes. "Everyone has accidents sometimes. Danny is just being himself, and that's nothing to be ashamed of."

The boys looked sheepish and apologized, realizing they had been unkind. Danny sniffled, but his dad gave him a reassuring smile and a pat on the back.

"It's okay, buddy. Let's clean you up and continue on our adventure," his dad said gently.

After changing Danny's diaper and wiping away the tears, they continued on their journey through the pine forest. Danny felt a mix of emotions - embarrassment,excitement, but also gratefulness for his dad's support and love.

The End

Sending Hugs to the Entire ABDL Community

There is still lot more coming this month and I have got a Surprise for you coming New To Patreon In April. So Look out for New Awesome Photoshoot.

Cannot wait for Easter Egg Hunt dunno about you :))?




Like a always said to you Danny better put the in and don’t let the bully make you cry don’t listen to them your dad will be always be there for you big hug for you And you look cute in the pic Danny


Nothing to be ashamed about Danny your you and that will never change buddy ❤️