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Lizhi's Nobility 🐓
Next week we will see the conclusion of this story, don't miss it! 🌟
Colorist and Assistant @bonipops
Lizhi's Sculpt Artist by @TheGreatPipmax  

I'll be updating this comic between MAY and JUNE, we really hope you like it! 🌟



Roy Vulpes™

This is an amazing story! I'm so excited to see what happens next!

AGM Instructional Productions

"It has ITS seed raised too," it's is only ever short for it is, while its is possession of a thing "It's one pm" "Its toy was lost"

MrEpic Sir

Loving this so far. Keep up the good work


I would 100% read any comic you make. My review? It's unique in it's own way and you rarely get this kind of simplistic complexity. As someone who has read over 500 (not exaggerated) different manga, a lot of people tend to try go over and beyond, only to mess up, like they don't enjoy it. This is simple and seems like you enjoy it :D which is AMAZING! Oooo im so happy so my review is 8/10. The reason is the grammatical errors. Also AGN instructional Productions said "its" is incorrect, that is a yes and no. Yes due to the words just before it "it has..." If those 2 words were not there the sentence would mean the same way. o7 good luck soldier (its a solute) :D


Yes, I'm waiting to correct that mistake (I'm not the one that can fix that) so it'll be corrected soon! Thanks for your comment!!


Epic battle Going on


If you were able to make physical merch like the amiibo style statues of your characters I'd love to be able to buy those!

TSR Grimm

10/10 would read again

Brian Bell

That Was So Good! 🔥😭🥲


Yay! She learned an invaluable lesson! You are not above the people you protect!