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I'm kidding.. Sort of.
Do the things in life that bring you joy. Do them without referring to them as 'guilty pleasures', do them often, and never apologize for taking time for your own joy.

This month's practice is getting a little more into some daily Yoga & mobility practices. Opening up the body with daily movement is a way that we can open ourselves up to feeling more joy.

You can practice concentration & meditation in everything you do - and we can practice that on our mat. Think of your mat as the microcosm for the macrocosm. the laboratory, or the playground. A judgement-free space to experiment with your curiosity. Celebrate where your body is today - because Today - This Moment - is the only reality. Nothing else exists, except in your mind.

This video is a little longer than usual. We get into using props for shoulders, legs, hips. All of these movements can help with discomfort in the backline of the torso.

Thank you so much for being here. I appreciate you endlessly.
Let's hang out on Discord to discuss these practices & more. Link your Patreon to Discord & bots will do things I don't understand to make sure we're all friends!

I'm deeply grateful for your presence, for your trust, and for the opportunity to connect with you.


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