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Not every human who roams the mansion will be your friend. Some have devoted themselves to the Lady of the mansion. This might happen for a multitude of reasons. You could:

  • Really, really like the Lady,

  • really, really despise the humans that are locked in here with you,

  • you think it's just much more fun that way,

  • ...or it's your kink.

Either way, the Lady isn't picky and she won't question your reasons. However, if you join the dark side, you better move quickly. The lady has high expectations and if you fail to deliver on them, she might just make you part of her "inventory".


As always, the character cards will come in a seperate post. As per the poll that was held not too long ago, the humans that were added in this batch are Lotta and Sanya. They will be joined by the Aurumites, living creatures made of pure gold. The specifics will be explained in the post containing the character cards.


Sidenote: the previous months' character card, Monica von Ochs, is now publicly available. Go grab her if you haven't already! Also, the characters of the previous batch were updated with a new outfit and some improvements to existing outfits. I would highly recommend redownloading them.




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