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Hey everyone!

We hope you enjoyed the Pirate Port Tavern scene!

Now we're going somewhere deep, deep into the Overgrown Magic Forest where ancient magic waits to be awoken from its slumber. We really love how this scene turned out, we feel like it captures the sense of scale of those old growth forests.

We also made a ton of variations for this one, because we wanted to give you the option to choose night and day as well as camp or natural. So we made 32 in total! Hopefully that'll help you to use this in many situations.



Get this week's scenes using the links below:

Overgrown Magic Forest - $1 Rewards 

Overgrown Magic Forest - $10 Rewards - All Variations 

Overgrown Magic Forest - $10 Rewards - Animated Scenes

Master Post - VTT Modules


This week's scene variations:
