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Hey everyone!

The azure ocean reaches its end once it meets the Colossus Port. Visible from miles around, this monumental statue watches over the coastline to guide home friends, and ward away enemies.

This original map was loosely based on the Colossus of Rhodes. One of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World created all the way back in 280 BC. So hopefully this'll be a good map if you're playing a classical or ancient world era game.

We really hope you enjoy introducing your players to the port and don't get too seasick on their journey.

The music in the preview is 'Auction House (Ambient)' by our good friend Will Savino aka Music d20!


Get this week's scenes using the links below:

Colossus Port - $1 Rewards

Colossus Port - $5 Rewards - All Variations

Colossus Port - $10 Rewards - Animated Scenes

Master Post - VTT Modules (These usually arrive a week or so after release)


This week's scene variations:


Colossus Port - Animated Scene - Czepeku

Here is our next release for Czepeku Scenes! This is the Colossus Port! We'll be releasing tons of variations and collaborating with different creators around the world to bring immersive, exciting splash art for your RPG games! Art and animation by Czepeku Scenes https://www.patreon.com/CzepekuScenes Music by Borough Bound! https://www.patreon.com/BoroughBound



I'll be hoarding these for either a Theros or a Percy Jackson type campgain.

Muse Clash

hey! I'm new to patreon so im not sure... where's the map? like the one that got shown on twitter? I'm only able to download/find the animated/artistic scenery...

Muse Clash

So then what's the difference? Is this one just for the commercial license and the animated scenes, because I thought the maps came with what was here, like how its advertised on twitter, i think that's why i was confused. Both patreons are run by the same people right, so why the difference...?