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Hi everyone!

I'm back with another weekly update. Although, they haven't been weekly lately (not much to update on during the Kickstarter!) but from now on, it should be back weekly.

We still have 23 days left on Kickstarter, and we're currently 84% funded. Not much further to go and we can work on those stretch goals.

So, what have we been up to for the last few weeks? In short:

  • We've completed two sprites for the prequel, and two sprites for the main game. These are the Young Speaker, Illran, and two other characters.
  • We're currently working on the monthly Patreon Art Poll (Mermaid Fawn) and Cyne's first CG. We hope to have this voiced to show off soon.
  • I've been hard at work editing and programming in the next chapter of the game. While the scenes still need fine tuning, the game is now around double the length! 20,000 words are in game and working.
  • I've also begun writing and programming in the beginning scenes of the prequel. Will it definitely get made? Who knows, since it's up to the KS, but it's still quite fun to do. So far, around 11,000 words have been wrote for it.
  • Fable has officially joined the Dev team! They do the French translation, and also programming.
  • Fable also wrote two new devlogs on our website! If you want a behind the scenes look at how we programmed certain things, you can check them out here.

So, we've been doing a bunch of art, editing and programming! Now that we're so close to our goal, we're more confident in continuing (so lets make sure we hit our goal!).

So, what will we be working on next?

  • Improving the newly programmed scenes, and adding in special effects. 
  • After finishing the current art pieces, working on CGs for the extended demo.
  • New backgrounds! 
  • More editing and programming, once the current scenes are looking good.
  • More writing.  This is been on the back seat for the last week, since we've been editing so much.

Thank you all so much for your continued support. For anyone on the $65 tier (beta tester) we'll start pushing out build with an extra chapter or two soon. Right now, we're making sure that the quality is consistent throughout the whole game. These builds are unlikely to have voice acting yet (since that'll come much later!) but I hope you enjoy them anyway.

Here's a couple of screenshots/gifs from the parts we've been programming:


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