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...and when i say everybody I mean EVERYBODY, because this is a public post!
At least once in a month I want to talk to all the more than 700 people who follow this page, also because I have a couple of announcements to do.
But first of all, Happy Easter everybody, don't eat too much chocolate or do it if you need it, or use it to do edible clothes like Jade :D

here is the time lapse video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/5xowt5oggcn7bzycycsou/jade-easter2024.mp4?rlkey=cwgw0dexcqa6h9ik3n56fu1ag&dl=0

Now let's start with the announcements:

I've just switched to the new Patreon billing system: until yesterday if you subscribed on March 29, your subscription would last until March 31 and on April 1 you would have paid for the new month. This can be seem like a sort of scam and it's not a nice way of starting a loooong relationship together. From now on if you subscribe today, March 30, your next payment will be due on April 30.
This applies only to new subscribers; old subscribers who already pay at the beginning of the month will continue to pay at the beginning of the month.

Second announcement: I added a new reward for the 4$ tier (and also all the subsequent ones). If you pledge 4$ or more, in addition to the exclusive works, the Monthly VIP Packs with all the drawing of the month in JPG, PSD and the time lapse videos, now you have a VIP Chat where i post my references pics (where available and allowed), my work in progress and a daily vintage pinup pic from my collection. Cool, isn't it?

Last thing: If you want to support me with the lower tiers, please consider to subscribe for an annual plan. At the lower tiers it's an affordable amount of money, less more than 20 or 40$/year and you won't pay almost two month of subscription in a year.

Enough with the boring stuff. I will write you soon with other news, but i hope to see more of you as new subscribers soon!

