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“Man, this sucks,” Shiloh complained. Frustrated, she sat on the floor and leaned against the bed. Her friend, Melody, sat beside her sympathetically.

Shiloh sighed. “Man, I don’t wanna go Sinnoh. Why can’t I stay here? I like it here…” Her family was moving soon, and even though she was an adult, she had no real means of supporting herself, and her family was very adamant about her coming with anyway.

“I offered to let you stay at my place,” Melody said.

“Yeah, but my folks don’t care. They want me to go to. I can’t really go against them like that…”

“But… Come on, Shiloh, you can’t go! We’re supposed to be friends forever!” Melody complained.

“I know, I know. I wish there was a way for me to stay here with you. I really do! But… I can’t think of a way to do that…”

Suddenly, the house shook for a moment before growing still again. Concerned, Shiloh stood up. Her parents weren’t home – they had gone out to make preparations. So what was that…? She walked over to the window just in time for a flash of blue light pass by it. “Wh-whoa! What was that!?” she exclaimed after shielding her eyes with her arm. Melody stood up too, but waited where she was.

Shiloh turned around to face her. “Did you see that…?” she asked.

Melody’s eyes grew wide and she remained silent, simply staring at her friend. Shiloh’s cheeks felt warm. “Wh-what? What’s wrong? Is there something on my face?”

“Sh-Shiloh… your forehead…” Melody managed to squeak out.

Shiloh put her hand to her hairline quickly and froze. There was a bump. The bump was growing, and had a narrow tip, like a horn. “What the hell!? What is that!?”

Melody shook her head. “I… I dunno!” She watched for a moment, then said, “A-and look! Your hands!”

Shiloh pulled them away from her forehead and gasped. They were turning blue and growing stubbier. Her index and middle fingers were merging together, and her thumbs were shrinking away. “Oh my god, oh my god! What’s happening to me!?” Her eyes began to water. This… this couldn’t be real!

Soon, all that was left of her hands were stubby blue paws. Before she could lament that, however, she felt something growing from her back that was pushing her shorts down. She spun, trying to get a good look at it. She struggled to lift her shirt with her new paws, but Melody gasped when she saw it. “You have a tail!” she cried. A chill ran down Shiloh’s back. She could feel it. She could even move it slightly.

“N-no, no, no, this can’t be happening!” Shiloh cried, and then turned to walk over to her bed. As she did so, however, she tripped and fell against her mattress. “Oh… what…?” she muttered, looking down at her feet. She had socks on, but even with that considered, her legs looked plain wrong. They had already begun to turn blue, and they didn’t move quite right, but she couldn’t see her feet under the cloth. She went to go take them off, but seeing her paws at the end of her arms caused her to freeze again. She took a deep breath and managed to ask, “H-hey, Melody, can you… help me? I- I can’t take my socks off with my hands like this.”

Melody, who was stunned silent by her changing friend simply nodded and kneeled down to remove Shiloh’s socks.

As expected, her feet were completely different and now looked similar to what her hands had become. They were also quite narrow. She couldn’t walk on them like this. At least, not on just two legs, she realized after looking at her hands again. She would have to walk around on all fours…

“H-hey, m-my clothes aren’t really fitting anymore… Can you…” Shiloh asked, trailing off. Melody nodded again, and firstly went to pull her shirt off. It caught on something around Shiloh’s neck. “Ow, ow, ow, wh-what, ah!” she cried as the shirt came off. She reached one of her front paws up to her neck and felt a flat, fin-like disc around her neck. She slowly put her paw back on the floor, trying to calm her thoughts. “E-everything feels so wrong…” she muttered.

Melody frowned suddenly, but then simply shook her head and reached over to help remove Shiloh’s shorts. Carefully, she pulled it down, guiding it off Melody’s canine-esque hind legs. She paused as she reached for Shiloh’s panties next, but then continued, realizing that they, too, needed to come off, as ill-fitting as they were now. Thankfully, the whole area was concealed by blue fur, but it still felt wrong.

Shiloh panted, trying to calm herself down, but it was difficult. Her face felt uncomfortable, like it was stretching. She moaned, and stayed still until it was over. As her tongue moved in her mouth, ran it across her teeth, which felt sharper than normal. Soon, she was freaking out again, and as she lay splayed out on the ground, her tail flicked involuntarily, causing her to shiver. But she couldn’t just keep laying there. She needed to do something. So, slowly, she stood up, and took careful, planned steps over to the full-body mirror across the room. Walking on all-fours would take getting used to, but felt eerily comfortable.

She noticed a number of things once she got to the mirror. Firstly, she still had her hair, but instead of the platinum blonde she had before, it was a deep cobalt color. This matched the horn on her head and pointed ears she now had, as well as a ridge of fins that traced the path of her spine down her back and along the length of her tail. Her horn and ears also had yellow webbing on them. She didn’t know what it was for. Her face was remarkably canine, with a small, black button nose at the end of her short muzzle. Her teeth had also grown sharp and narrow. Her eyes were the same pink color as before, but her iris now took up the entirety of her eye, and the whole shape of her eye was more like an almond. Around her neck was the thing she felt earlier – a white fin-like thing that circled her entire neck. It was almost like a collar, in a way.

After she had enough to look at, she turned to Melody and asked, “I… I think I’m a pokemon now! D-do… you know which one, maybe…?” Shiloh was never very good with pokemon.

Instead of an answer, Melody teared up and shook her head sorrowfully. “I… I can’t understand you, Shiloh… You’re talking like a pokemon now…”

She was? It didn’t sound like it to her. But if that was the case, what were they going to do now? What were her parents going to do? Their daughter was a pokemon! And what was she going to do? Was she going to be stuck like this forever?

She sighed, and then walked over to her mattress. Her bed looked tall now that she was down on all fours. But maybe… She crouched, then pushed off the ground, letting her hind legs do most of the lifting. It worked, and she jumped, if somewhat awkwardly, onto the bed. She collapsed onto it, curling herself up in whatever pose felt the most natural. She let out a small whine and shivered. Melody swallowed nervously and then sat on the mattress next to her. She reached out a hand, hesitated, and then gently stroked Shiloh’s back.

The newly-turned Vaporeon opened her big eyes and looked up at Melody. Being pet felt… really nice. Her heart rate began to finally calm. She didn’t know what came next, but… They’d figure it out, she concluded.

To be continued.


Vaporeon is one of my favorite pokemon. It's just very cute and very cool and I'm just a big fan. The story for this one is broken into two parts. I'll be posting the other one soon!



Dimitry Dvorcovoy

Would be interesing to see the next part.


Oh, the story is continued in this one: https://www.patreon.com/posts/answered-wish-27447584