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A blonde girl stumbled down the dirt road leading from a nearby town. Her expression was empty. After being thoroughly trashed at the first gym, her day could not being going worse. She had let her pachirisu get injured, and worse, she embarrassed the both of them in front of her home town. Even her parents couldn’t hide the smirk of their amusement when they looked at her.

Penny had waited so long - making sure she was ready for a trip like this - that she was already 19 by the time she got her friend to catch her a pokemon. Pachirisu was nice, but a little stubborn. Even he thought he was better than her. He was probably right.

She fell against a tree and slide to the floor. She put her head in her lap and wrapped her arms around herself tightly. She didn’t know what to do. She knew she was giving up pretty early, but her chances just seemed so small. The first gym had rock type pokemon, and she had a single, tiny electric squirrel thing. He was hopelessly weak. She just liked him because he was cute.

“Dang it!” She yelled in frustration, sitting up rapidly and hitting her head on the trunk behind her on purpose. After sighing, she glanced sadly at the forest on the other side of the road. It was getting dark. She probably shouldn’t be out this late. Oh well.

She was about to huddle up again when something moving in the trees caught her attention. It was large, and she couldn’t tell the shape through the darkness of the canopy cover, but its eyes were a glowing, indigo blue. It stopped then, and looked at Penny fiercely. She swallowed. She thought about reaching for Pachirisu’s pokeball, but it wasn’t like he could do anything to this thing.

The creature’s eyes flashed and Penny’s head was immediately overcome with pain. “A-agh!” She yelled, gripping her forehead tightly. After a few seconds of being unable to think about anything but pain, it vanished. Heartbeat racing, she took a few deep breaths and took her shaking hands away from her temples and looked back into the forest. The creature was gone.

“What… what was that?” she muttered. “What did it do to me?”

As if to answer, the skin on her head began to itch. She began to shake in fear as her hearing dimmed and soon the world fell silent. She clapped her hands to sides of her head and froze as she couldn’t find her ears. They had just vanished. She was pretty sure she screamed, but she couldn’t tell.

Two points in the top of her head began to feel pressure, and her hair parted in those two places. She moved her hands to feel those now, and gripped two, oddly triangular protrusions growing larger by the second on top of her head. After a while, the world regained its sound as her new ears began to work. She wasn’t sure if these new ears were more sensitive or if just being deaf for a few moments made her think everything was louder. A chill went down her spine as these new, freakish ears twitched to nearby sounds.

“What… why? What happened to my ears!? What’s happening to me?” she cried softly. She stood quickly as other parts of her body began to itch.

Her fingers felt weird and when she looked at them, she shook as they grew fatter and some of her fingers started merging with each other. “N-no stop! Stop it!” she said, shaking her hands as if to slow it down. Soon, they appear to grow paler, but looking closer, they were just becoming covered in white fur. “Wh-why am I growing fur!?”

A strange tugging feel erupted from the base of her spine, and she looked behind her to notice something pushing up her skirt. “What is THAT!?”

A bulbous, fluffy tail bounced up from under the hem of her shirt. It had a prominent pink stripe down the center, and the end had three developing bumps on it. It began to look strangely familiar, but she couldn’t place it.

As she tried to take a step around the tree, she nearly tripped over her own shoes as her feet had far too much room inside of them. Horrified, she kicked them off to see that her feet had grown stubby and similarly covered in white fur like her hands. They were starting to look like paws…

“I’m turning into a pokemon,” she muttered under her breath. “Why… why am I turning into a pokemon!? I don’t want that!” she yelled.

The transformation continued on despite her protests. The collar of her shirt gently slid off one of her shoulders, making her notice how baggy it was on her. In fact, all of her clothes looked big on her. Except, no, that wasn’t it. “I-I’m shrinking!” she realized.

She gripped the tree beside her for support as her legs became shorter and stubbier. Her body soon lost its curves, and under the poncho her shirt had now become on her, she saw her whole body was coated in white fur. She went to cover her eyes with her hands, now fully paws, so that she didn’t have to watch what was happening to her, but they didn’t reach. Her arms were so short now, they only reached her cheeks. Something there felt strange though. Unlike the rest of her, her cheeks had two rubbery circles that weren’t covered in fur. They tingled as she touched them.

The ground was racing toward as she grew faster and faster. She barely taller than her shoes now. She caught glimpses of her hair, still fluffy as ever, but it had turned pink somewhere along the way, matching the stripe on her tail. Her tail was huge, just about twice as big as she was. The stripe and three triangular shapes on the end of it glittered and sparkly. It was kind of pretty, actually, but couldn’t focus on that.

Glancing at her tail, though, made her piece something together. “I… I’ve turned into a Pachirisu. That’s… that’s what happened! Why…!? That thing in the forest, it turned me into a Pachirisu!”

Unlike her own Pachirisu partner, she was pink and glittery, for some reason. It wasn’t just because she was a girl, either. Girl pachirisu were still blue. Thinking of Pachirisu, however, made her realize that she should probably find that pokeball and let him out. Maybe he could help her.

Walking was a problem right away. Her feet, paws, whatever, were extremely small and stubby, so she could only kind of wobble – especially since her head and tail were so big and heavy. How did Pachirisu deal with this?

Eventually, she made it to where his pokeball has rolled to after falling from her clothes during her transformation and she tapped the button on the front of it. In a flash of white light, her Pachirisu appeared before her. He looked around, confused, before he noticed her. He immediately got a sly look on his face. “Oh, hello there! I don’t believe we’ve met.”

“I-is my own Pachirisu trying to make moves on me!? That’s weird – he’s a pokemon! Also, why is his voice so suave!? Why did I notice that!? Wait, bigger question-“ After a brief moment of thought, Penny asked, surprised, “Since when can you talk!?”

He tilted his head. “Ma’am, I think you’re a bit confused. That’s pretty normal. Say, have you seen a human girl around here anywhere? As much as I’d love to stay have a conversion with a pretty gal like you, my trainer is probably looking for me.”

Penny’s cheeks grew warm. “P-Pachirisu! It’s me! I’m Penny! A-and… stop being weird!”

Pachirisu broke composure, looking shocked. “Penny? That’s really you? Why’d you become a pokemon?”

“I-I don’t know! I was just sitting in the woods, and a strange monster in the woods looked at me, and then I turned into this!” she explained, her eyes beginning to water.

“Well, hey! Don’t cry, okay?” He walked over a placed his small paw on her cheek. “Look, maybe this is a blessing? You were feeling bad for losing at the gym, and now you don’t have to worry about it! And besides… you’re gorgeous! Like, wow!”

Her cheeks blushed again. “S-stop that! It’s weird! I… I can’t like a pokemon! Th-that’s weird… Right…?” she asks, mostly to herself.

“You like me?” He asks, surprised. He shakes his head. “Look, you’re a Pachirisu, now, right? So it’s not weird! Pokemon can like pokemon.”

“B-but I’m not a… well…” she fell silent. “Maybe…”

He smiled sympathetically. “Maybe we just take this slow? I teach you how to be a Pachirisu, and… we just see where that takes us? Okay?”

She imagined herself running up down trees, shooting lightning, and taking naps on her own fluffy tail. She wouldn’t have to worry about gym battles or impressing anyone. She’d live her life with Pachirisu. She didn’t like admitting it, but… that didn’t sound half bad. She nodded.

“Okay. I think… I think I’d like that.”


Back in 2012, I had a PMD fanfic where the protagonist was a human-turned-Pachirisu. I never finished it, but I still like the idea of it.



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