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disclaimer: EldritchC. won the previous pick, which is being worked on and the pose has already been replaced

- assign a character you'd like to see with a scene, or multiple, if you can't decide, or you'd rather have me a preference

- please include if the character has hidden or easy-to-miss identifiers like tattoos, beauty marks, or things like they are always only sporting one expression etc; also include if you have a vision of the scene/background if you have requirements or ideas

- i'll pick the first one i think i can complete with some effectiveness, i look at entries in RNG order

- the character general proportions will loosely fit the sketches, if stuff is too different there's higher chances of the sketch not working

-deadline 10th of august




Furinji Miu, Ma Renka and Kaname Kugatachi (All from Histories Strongest Desciple) for pose 6. I am also suggesting Tina Armstong (DOA) for pose 3


My OC: Tomoe Uzumaki: a space ninja either pose 1, 5 or 11. hears the character: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-gyWZFFw_np1FP2UlSdiAwrrM7_jwWm1/view?usp=drivesdk i forgot to add the red eyeliner and the black lipstick, the hair can be maroon, the arm on the right is black sleeve with clouds like jinx or the Akatsuki, purple demon eyes