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-pick one or more characters (can be OC, anything i'd normally draw) and assign a pose or multiple poses if unsure
-if you want to pick the same as someone else, you can rewrite what they wrote, do not reply to posts or such please it ruins the count
-   a couple words of the character's personality in order to avoid   potentially drawing them in a situation that breaks the character is   welcome (like, if there's a character that cannot open their eyes for   lore reasons, and i draw them with open eyes cause i didn't know, then   it's gonna be shit)
- one winner whose description fits the sketch, ideas are being looked at in RNG order, until i find one that i find compatible




Edelgard (Fire Emblem Three Houses) I think she will be good for all poses because she starts as young adult(student) for first half of the game. Then to adult (Empress) for the second half.


Alma Armas (Va-11 Hall-a) Pose 5 or 6 Alma is a bit of a tease but a good person I think pose 6 would be the best for her but its up to you.


Yosano Akiko (Bungo Stray Dogs) for pose 8. She's sadistic and likes flowers. She has a scene in the anime where she's almost in the same pose. Here's an image for reference of her https://images.app.goo.gl/RReSb47GM185Ypq36


Juliana - 1/ 8/ 9/ 10/ 12 https://imgur.com/a/oCSXQ7X Motherly, Fighter, passionate, confident breast size is a B Nyxiphi - 1/ 4/ 7/ 8/ 9/ 12 https://i.imgur.com/IwwwDpA.png bloodthirsty, arrogant, sadistic, manipulative Ashe - 4 / 7 / 10 /012 She is cheerful, carefree, and laid-back. She generally only tense and serious with matters close to her heart. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xC68DrQbXkZ-hCbxDGgwAPYhPo0JPP-qSmd3ggL7yqY/edit?usp=sharing


Ryouna from senran kagura in pose 2 or 12 she is a masochist and damn proud of it,always acting on it


Dragon Age OC Lillian Tabris for pose 10 or 8 - she's a bold, sassy headstrong elf with a good heart, but a dark side as well https://imgur.com/a/q7A9ueP OC Cara for pose 7, 4 or 12 - energetic, playful and self-confident young woman https://imgur.com/a/I5DreYF OC Emzara for pose 2 or 4 - Confident, brave and kind young woman https://imgur.com/a/IINfp1w OC Trisha for pose 6 or 1 - shy, curious, reserved and naive half-elf https://imgur.com/a/hez2Zgm


Nokia Shiramine from Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth in pose 2 (ditzy, flirty, courageous, optimistic) References: https://i.imgur.com/fdCxd4V.jpg


My OC Lyris Duskrala https://imgur.com/zHLrfG5 11, Happy/Teasing as if someone walked in on her like that


My OC Erenbus for 6,7,8,9,11 or 12 https://toyhou.se/3521900.erenbus-nyx


My BnS Lyn OC for poses 2, 3, 4, 10 or 12 (for pose 10, she uses a sword): https://i.imgur.com/SYrje4D.jpg