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I'm rewatching this show with you and it always amazes me how long people train for. Like with Keita, he spent ALL his youth training and then ended up in a sucky company that doesn't promote their artists and then ended up on this show. His case is so frustrating because he's genuinely talented, humble, super friendly to the other trainees and is always smiling. Also let me add Hwanhee actually debuted before Hoetaek; he debuted in 2015 in the group Up10tion while Hoetaek debuted in the group Pentagon in 2016. The thing is Pentagon had more success than Up10tion so it's hardly ever mentioned how much experience Hwanhee has. It sucks he was sick during most of this show (same with a ton of other contestants; why was it filmed in the middle of winter?). He's actually the second best singer of the whole show, only behind Hoetaek when he's in good condition. There are tons of videos showcasing his technical skills. Reminds me a lot of Baekhyun but huskier. Also, trainee Wang Zi Hao is under EXO Lay's company in China! So that's why he's very well trained in dancing.

Marco Gennuso

I don't understand how Keita can do this for so long and still only be at the level he's at. I wouldn't be surprised if he actually creates his own company someday. Yeah, no idea why it's all taking place in the winter time, but I feel bad for everyone who was sidelined because getting sick sucks and that's not their fault?? Wang Zi Hao....is he the one who appears in D.N.A from Lay? I'll have to rewatch it to see lol.


i’ll just comment as i watch so i’ll edit this but in korean the letter B and V is written the same (ㅂ) and gyuvin chooses to romanize his name with a V, but the subs will sometimes use B just because it’s pronounced that way in korean. either way is correct :) - the all star trainees are the ones who recorded here i am full ver. the fan video assessments are basically views on their individual fancams, its on a playlist on mnet's channel if for some reason u wanna watch them (if you're not already tired of this song lol) - there are lots of behind the scenes content, individual ones and group ones on the mnet youtube channel where you can see their personalities even before seeing the final stages (theres a mystery box one, a drink making one, eye contact ones, etc.) if you want to watch the behinds, i recommend seeing them after ep 4. i can link it later if you're interested! - the star creators can submit an application on the mnet plus app to be a part of the live show offline event. there are limited slots for foreigners too, so yes i saw lots of people on twitter who went to korea to see these stages live also did you see that keita will be redebuting? theres gonna be a 2nd group formed from ex-boys planet contestants. park hanbin is in it! along with yoo seungeon (K very nice main vocal), lee jeonghyeon (K love me right rapper that went up against haruto), mun junghyun (K very nice sub vocal 1), park jihoo (K hot sauce killing part), and ji yunseo (K back door main vocal). they’ll be called BLIT (yes this is real) but i will overlook that name and support this group lol


I remember getting chills when Keita said his team was complete 🥲, I really liked the KTL section overall, both for K and G group. I was surprised to hear that Gunwook was “evil edited” here? I guess maybe he was supposed to come across arrogant, but he never seemed that way. honestly gunwook’s confidence, and him strategizing and coming up with the plan for the K KTL group, despite knowing the chances of winning were slim, made me support him more


Also i just want to say I really like your laugh, it’s infectious haha


KTL G group is outstanding it’s so iconic till this day also can’t wait for next episode since one of my favorite performances of the entire show is in it🔥🚪.sincerely thank you for setting through these 3 hours

Moonlight Is A Mixer

fun fact (which is kinda not fun): zhang hao is the only yuehua trainee that didn’t get demoted all of k yuehua went from all stars to three, ricky went from 3 to 2, brian went from 3 to 1, and ollie went from 3 to zero (he was really sick and didnt even do the test that’s why he was demoted)


Nope that's LIN in the D.N.A Zihao is the one who's performed lit with lay on a big festival show idk if you watch it already or not here the performance Zihao is the one did the final dance break https://youtu.be/YkuxoVWQdJo

Marco Gennuso

Thank you for watching and supporting haha! Let me know of anything you'd like to see! 🤗

Marco Gennuso

Oh I didn't know there was an "evil editing" part here lol. Where was it? When he was strategizing and I stopped to say "Yes! More of that please!"? 😂😭😂😂😂 I didn't notice anything that made him look bad at all 🤷🏻‍♂️


And his cover veil by Lay for the first star level performance it's not aired tho😅😅 https://youtu.be/Ev-Un-j6jJI

Marco Gennuso

Thank you for all the info! Yes, if you could link me to the behind-the-scenes content, I'll react to them here! Unless they’re not really worthy of a reaction lol....you let me know! 🤗 And YES, I saw on Twitter Keita and P Hanbin will be in a group together!! They need a much better name though, what does BLIT mean?? Is Keita no longer in Ciipher??

Moonlight Is A Mixer

yes, but just because he didn’t actually do the test he was sick so he didn’t do it and they couldn’t evaluate him so they had to give him 0

Marco Gennuso

Thank you for the links, Alya! I'm guessing the festival performance with Lay was after Boys Planet, right?


Nothing is confirmed about Ciipher but I've seen some things about group members removing the group name from their socials and the fact that Keita is redebuting with another team isn't a great sign for their future.


Gunwook was very controversial at this point of the show, fans either loved him or hated him. Personally I loved his confidence and its what made me and many others vote for him consistently until the finale.


Nope it's before boys planet I think like 2 years ago for a new year eve in China if I not mistaken he got to perform as a reward for him for being the best and hard working trainees by Lay himself at that time we all don't know him yet after he join bp people start to recognize him plus he's actually already perform before even joining Lay Agency so he kinda got his fanbases already


Btw LE'V (Wang Zihao) joined the @ChromosomeEG Trainee Program Beijing Auditions on October 18, 2020. He will have his solo debut in 🇰🇷 on Aug. 18th. Don't forget to tuned in cuz he will become the first ever Lay Zhang trainees that's going to debut soon


I just got to know that Ollie also will participate in other survival show like his going through so much already on bp but now another one 😭😭😭😭 why yuehua can't debut him already with others or just wait till his legal age to debut him but sending him to other survival show after like months bp ends poor my boy but I still will supporting him tho


supposedly BLIT stands for Boldly Leaping Into Tomorrow but it just sounds so weird 😭 some of the behind content is worth watching, obviously i don’t think it’s worth seeing all 90+ individual fancams lol but the variety stuff where they play games and dorm life is super fun! if you do choose to watch these i hope they don’t replace the episode reactions though cause i’d rather you finish the show before anything else, but if you are the type to get attached to everyone then these are nice :) i’ll link them here in a bit!

Marco Gennuso

Lee-Vee is how we're pronouncing his artist name? Or is it Lay-Vee? I'll be sure to react to his debut!! I appreciate you sharing all this with me Alya! 🤗


Actually idk how to pronounce his name too need him to said it himself 😅😅😅 but for me I pronounce his name as Lay Vee but some used levee too so idk hahaha. Maybe you can pronounce it like lovey hhahaha jk. And I like sharing all this with you too 🤗 and Le'v actually have social media acc too you can follow them if you want to : ceg official Twitter acc @ChromosomeEG Instagram 🔗instagram.com/le_vtime?igshi TikTok 🔗tiktok.com/@le.v_official Twitter 🔗twitter.com/lev_official_/ 日本公式@LEV_OFFICIAL_JP YouTube 🔗youtube.com/@ChromosomeEnt

Moonlight Is A Mixer

btw the “fan videos” are just fancams posted by mnet and the ranking is the amount of views in the time frame mnet gave to count the views


Sorry just joined and I'm late to the party but wanted to comment to say LE'V is pronounced like Leh-Vee according to the hangul :) This episode was a game changer for me... I was on the fence about Gunwook (I was one of the ones who was very intimidated by his confidence LOL) but seeing him cry towards the end of the ep and how much he cares for his teammates... he instantly became my one pick and now my bias. I adore him SO MUCH, he is such a sweetheart. T.T

Marco Gennuso

Hi LoLo, welcome to my Patreon!! 😂🤗 Leh-Vee...got it, thank you!! Interesting it took you a little bit to warm up to Gunwook! It was so unfamiliar for me to see him cry like that....it just doesn't suit him at all 😭😂😂 But I think we can both agree that he's great and yes, he's one of my favs as well. Might just be #1 🫣

Melissa irving

Brand new take, post-show... Krystian is *not* being an asshole...The group has 7 members. Kamden is American, we think Brian may be Canadian (?), and Ricky, Krystian and the others are Chinese (although I often forget because Ricky is blond & does speak English.) Kamden does not speak Chinese... and three of the group members do not speak English. Krystian speaks both English and Chinese. Mandarin speakers have confirmed.... Krystian actually was not cutting off & constantly interrupting Kamden. He was translating what he was saying for the group members who don't speak English. Not to downplay Kamden's frustration- that was real, and legitimate. But Krystian wasn't the bad guy. MNet was the villain here.

Melissa irving

Mnet could (should) have not evil edited him.. alternately, Ricky could've said "Hey, Kamden, he's translating" or something to that effect to clue in all of us who don't speak Chinese. And Krystian was aware he was being evil edited. In his part of Limousine, he threw in a verse in Chinese as a fuck you to MNet. #justiceforKrystian