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Moonlight Is A Mixer

zero stars can stay because the point of the show is that they can improve over time the only mnet survival show that changed that is produce x 101 where the equivalent of zero stars for produce (f) was changed into x, and who got that grade would leave the show

Moonlight Is A Mixer

ciipher is pronounced with an f because unlike enhypen it has an h in between the p and the e

nea r

Glad to be back with this! 4:39 Even if Boys Planet is a competition the end of the day, it's also a great place to train and improve your skills. I can guarantee that both of the "houses" (Doha & Mingyu) did get better after finding what they're actually capable of. Also Mnet is the one choosing the songs for them for the Star Level test so that's why all of them didn't even have the chance to prove themselves since the songs just didn't match them at all. Rappers had to sing and the other way around so it kinda sucked. But to answer your question, they're able to continue since they got past the audition for the show and it would be a bit too harsh to just send them home after seeing one stage from them. Also Mnet is known for loving the drama so having a few "bad" and entertaining trainees just benefits them because the public is gonna love them LOL. 18:08 At least with the Korean pronunciation CIIPHER is pronounced more with a "P" than "F" so I guess that's the correct version. 1:06:24 I'm pretty sure the rooms were just assigned randomly, just to get them know each others more. Some trainees just got lucky and ended up in rooms with people they already knew. 1:11:37 I don't know if they ever revealed who sang the original demo for the song but I've seen people say that it's most likely Ha Sungwoon (a former member of Wanna One) since it really sounds like him. The Boys Planet versions that they recorded later was most likely sang by the all-star trainees. 1:36:07 Junhyeon's mom "changing her number" actually became a pretty huge thing when Boys Planet was airing and created numerous rumors about his family and how they "don't support his dream of becoming an idol". I still don't know how and why it all started but apparently it was fake since his mom appeared later in the show and seemed completely fine with her son being in Boys Planet. But that rumor was CRAZYYY and it was everywhere and everyone believed it. Glad that it wasn't true tho. I didn't even remember that we got to experience the Signal Song test already in the 2nd episode. It was definitely a roller coaster for many of them. My problem with that test though was that all of them were forced to sing an extremely high song no matter if their strongest position was singing, rapping or dancing. Of course it's important for an idol to know how to sing but it's very unfair to the ones who are way better in rapping. You have no advantage compared to the trainees who are more comfortable with vocals than rap. But luckily it changes with the future missions and everyone gets to shine!


Q: Why are they able to continue if they get no stars? A: basically... these survivals aren't all THAT much about the "talent". Any trainee, no matter how little training they have, is able to apply. If Mnet thinks you have a personality that will shine and grab attention (as Doha and Mingyu who did those performances kinda did) they will let you into the show. And once you're in, it's up to the voters whether or not you will stay. You can have 0 training and be struggling the entire time compared to more trained or "talented" trainees, but still make the group in the end. Some vote for appearance, some for personality, some for talent, some for a mix of all three. It also gives a "growth arc" option for the show. For instance, Doha & Mingyu could've had the chance to improve in leaps and bounds + if ppl liked them they could've made the team. It happened in s1 of Produce 101 where a trainee got an F (a 0 star) but she improved through the show and people LOVED her so they voted her into the group, even tho her company kinda tricked her into joining because they said there'd be acting too (which, many idols do become idols as a "short cut" in a way to get into the acting business). The pack is a hotpack. Its the middle of winter and in those costumes, they're probably freezing. tbh the difference in amount of starts between K group and G group really wasn't surprising to me. It sort of goes back to the thing where ppl in K group keep going they have to "protect kpop pride" or "g group can't beat k group". I know ppl get and got upset by the k-trainees saying that, but it really means you have to read into what they're really saying. the K trainees just have more training. Period. It really just means that the G trainees' talents aren't as honed and practiced. Training on your own vs training in classes can make a huge difference. "Xiang" sounds like a curse word apparently, that's why Keita just wants to call him Ma Jing Xiang haha I think its a good thing the rooms are empty. Gives them some room to practice. When you're doing a thing like this all you really need is a bed and a place to store your clothes anyway. Q: Whose vocals are on Here I Am? A: don't know for sure, but they're just a guide vocal so very likely one of the ppl who produced the song or that mnet chose to sing the guide. After the 1st large group training, the subs said "the next day" but Gyuvin recently said the training had only been an hour after that. So there's a fun example of Mnet's editing at work. So with what Zhang Hao was saying, a lot of the time, trainees will go get dance classes outside of the company and during those, you have to learn how to memorize the choreo REALLY fast. Because Yuehua doesn't do that, Yujin and Gyuvin's memorization skills aren't as good as perhaps trainees or ppl who have taken a lot of outside dance classes. They have a longer learning curve, but as we saw with "Kick It", once they have it down they have it DOWN. Here I Am is a REALLY high song so a lot of the trainees had difficulty with it. I'm not entirely sure why Mnet likes to make the signal songs so ridiculously high but it's been like that always. I think kpop in general just likes high songs. I think a lot of ppl end up disagreeing about Mingyu remaining in 0 star, but I actually really agreed with that. And I think there's a lesson in that because Mingyu REALLY did improve SO MUCH during the signal song test and you CAN see that. However, improvement doesn't mean you level up. His improvement was great, but when watching the still camera clip of his performance, you could see what they meant. Improved, yes, but not to the level of where a 1 star should be at. tbh I understand why they postponed Gunwook. Since they weren't 100% sold they really needed to see the level of the other All Stars before deciding whether Gunwook should be one. Makes perfect sense to me. Ricky was also sick like Yujin. It seems like a LOT of sickness was going around. It makes sense tho. You have 98 boys there + all the staff and crew in the middle of winter??? yikessss So the "Here I Am" video, I highly recommend watching once you are past the signal song portion of the show, which will be about 1/3rd of the way through episode 3 (its pretty clear when that point is, or you can just watch it at the end of ep 3) but the show doesn't actually show you the performance so I HIGHLY recommend watching it either mid-way through ep 3 or at the end of it. It's not only great but a VERY important part of the lore to Boys Planet and ZEROBASEONE ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mjr47ikehQE&ab_channel=MnetK-POP

Marco Gennuso

That rumour about Junhyeon's mom is insaaaaaane Omg 😭😭😭 Thank you for the info once again!! I guess I look forward to these kind of posts the same way you look forward to my videos haha 🥹🙏🏻 Someone suggested I watch the full performances from YouTube? The ones that got cut or edited down? Do they have those for all the episodes or just 1 and 2?

Marco Gennuso

Can you remind me what group debuted from Produce x 101? I've heard so much about that show but I don't recall who was on it, etc....

Moonlight Is A Mixer

they have the full performances of all the missions on youtube, but all of the performances are in the episodes, the only ones that got caught are some from the first and second eps


It really is heartbreaking seeing trainees like Doha and Mingyu clearly work so hard and yet still can’t quite get to the next level (I’ve been there 😭) It is admirable the amount effort they’re putting in, I feel like you can’t help but want to cheer them on 🥲

Marco Gennuso

Oh I definitely want to see them both go far.....what a success it would be for them if they do!

Marco Gennuso

Omg thank you for all this info minkit!! All this context gives me a clearer understanding of how and why it all works the way it does. So some trainees will actually take dance classes outside of the training they’re already getting from their company?? That’s wiiiiiiild. Actually wildddddd lol. In terms of episode 3, I hate to ask, but can you provide a time stamp for me so I know when to watch the Here I Am performance you sent me? I can’t really do it myself without....well.....spoiling the show before watching it 😂😂 And why wasn't the performance included in the episode? Did people not see it when it aired?


Yeah some trainees will. Often the companies will send them because its a good learning experience. Hanbin for one has taken a LOT of dance classes and has even instructed. You can actually find a lot of his dance videos on youtube! They are absolutely amazing and the topic of many inside jokes. I will definitely get you that timestamp when I get up in the morning! And as far as why they didnt put it in im not totally sure. It could be because the vid is 7 minutes (it has some.... Extra stuff other Produce 101--as Boys Planet is really just Produce 101 rebooted--signal songs didnt have i believe) but Here I Am was actually released weeks before episode 1 even aired to give fans the first look at all the boys. That performance plus all the fancams and ppl picked some favorites from it so its no big deal to watch ahead of time but as you havent seen it and are gonna be on episode 3 its more fun to just watch the performance after that portion is over, since it does spoil the ranks. But i will definitely get you the timestamp as soon as I can when I wake up since im about to go to bed! :)

Moonlight Is A Mixer

some went solo and some debuted in new groups (there are x1 members in victon although the member in victon was originally in the group and just came back, WEi, BAE173, DRIPPIN, MIRAE, and CRAVITY)

Marco Gennuso

Ahhhhhhh okay okay, it all makes sense to me now. Song was released first as a way to gauge ppl's interest in the show. Based off that, ppl were able to vote for who they liked (online profiles also helped). So ppl already knew that song was coming and going to play a role in the show, they just haven't seen the struggle to get to that point yet (ep 1-2). I appreciate everything you've shared, thank you!

nea r

I recommend watching the Here I Am performance from yt since they only show a small bit of it in the next episode! For the upcoming performances after that, they're all in the actual episodes but since Mnet loves to put random reaction clips in between those, it can sometimes ruin the flow of the performance and make you miss important parts. You can find the performances without the reaction parts on yt so I do recommend watching those on your own time if you want :)


okay so i checked a couple different links. I THINK you're watching on viki? but the segment ends 20 minutes in. It's very obvious. As soon as the info about voting pops up, you're good to watch Here I Am if you'd like to watch it before the next segment starts, but if its easier for you, it's okay to watch after you finish the episode too.

Giulia Pavan de Castro

I just want to say, took me a few months to watch and follow zb1, not because i don’t love them, but because there were people i was so invested to debut, like Park hanbim (blue hair) and Jay, that i got really sad when that didn’t happen and needed some time to get over it. But I really love all The boys in zb1 and now I just feel happy for all of them.