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TFWorld (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-16 11:39:48 Passward : ^0x5i%zN$~ndW*S6C
2023-08-16 11:39:48 Passward : ^0x5i%zN$~ndW*S6C8nm
2023-07-11 08:30:06 Passward : ^0x5i%zN$~ndW*S6C8nmbdc

Passward : ^0x5i%zN$~ndW*S6C8nmbdc

Dr. Bennet

I enjoyed reading this work. The story was fun and there were certain things that stood out to me that I really liked. Most of the character designs are simpler than in other works, but I think this works well for the shorter, textless works. Their simplicity doesn’t detract from the overall quality, which is very good. The fairy’s design is really nice, and I was impressed that you were able to make her appropriately small. She fits the story well and is easily recognisable as a fairy. Well done. Something else that impressed me was the increased detail in the background. I noticed a spilled bottle of alcohol, and this suggested to me that the man on the bed was potentially unpleasant. This meant that I did not worry about him being possessed by the fairy, as the fairy looks like a heroine instead of a villain. I really liked this attention to detail. The transformation scenes were very well made as usual, but 3 parts I thought were really cool. The first thing I enjoyed was the scene where the fairy melts into the man’s mouth to be able to possess him. There’s no big reason, I just liked seeing it to be honest. The second thing was the scene where the penis transforms. I thought it was a great idea to make it orgasm before shrinking, because this showed that the transformation is arousing the character. It also shows that you put great thought into your stories. The third thing I liked was that the fairy transformed the toy bear into a skinsuit for the second man. Like I mentioned in the previous work, I like seeing random objects get transformed into something more “useful”, so I liked seeing that here, but I also thought that this scene reinforces the idea that the fairy is a heroine. Instead of forcing the second man, she gives him a choice, which was really nice to see. Something that I think could be improved during the transformation scenes are the “faded” body parts. I feel like these parts partly obscure the next part of the transformation. For example, the scene where the fairy melts looks good, but I couldn’t see her “melted” form very well because of the “faded” effect. I understand that it’s used to show that something is changing, but I think this would be just as clear without the “fading” effect. This is the only issue I have, I think everything else is great. So overall, this is a great work. It’s fun to read, has lots of detail and is certainly arousing. There are lots of things here that could (and probably will be) used to great effect in the future. Making a penis orgasm before it transforms is a good idea, and it doesn’t have to be used only when a penis is shrinking, it could be used before it grows bigger, or before it detaches from a body and transforms into something else. The idea of transforming objects into something or someone else is really cool. Having a very small character is really good, because it could be used in a vore setting, or you could go the other way, and create a very big character to make a giantess story. Of course, both of these settings can be unpleasant, so it would make sense if you avoided them. And putting more detail into the background is a good way to enhance the story or simply just how good it looks. So, as usual, well done TFWorld, this work is great. I hope you have an excellent day, and I look forward to seeing your next work!


Thank you so much for your feedback. I still have a lot of improvements to improve. I'll make a better work and repay you.