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Vol 1 RWBY 11-16

Watch "Vol 1 RWBY 11-16" on Streamable.


Robert Walker

Jaune will forever be my favorite character. He's like the Spiderman of this series, in my opinion


From my understanding the final season(s) are up in the air rn because of rooster teeth's shutdown


There are talks of selling the rights and assets of rwby and other shows but nothing is set as of yet

Gavin Bickel

Please tell me you will react to the World of Remnant videos as well as the OST soundtrack after each volume, the WoR videos are all basically lore dumps of the series that explains stuff in the world and the Songs, made by the amazing Jeff Williams and his daughter Casey Lee Williams, who was 14 freaking years old when she started singing for this series, also has hidden lore and character info about people!

Liam Hansen

Hope you enjoy and don't let anyone's opinion spoil this experience for you. Ps you may want to get someone who had seen the show to moderate the comments especially on YouTube we fans have a habit of being to loose lipped. Will watch after some more eps come out gonna be a binge!


glad you both are enjoying it. Ren is my favorite character early on, and Ruby becomes my favorite character later on with Ren staying as my second favorite. Nora is of course my third. I also like Roman, the villain with cane.


Not going to spoil anything, but to me Weiss has the strongest character growth in the entire series, and Vol 1 is just the beginning of her growth, especially the closing scene in Vol 1. By Vol 5 she's barely even recognizable compared to her Vol 1 self.


according to the "thing" they did on YouTube a few weeks back apparently, at least for Vol 10, the backing, financial support, and staff for the most part is in place; it's just a matter of finding an animation studio and greenlighting it.

Gavin Bickel

which i thank GOD for that the community and the entirety of the group all still come together to help out

Luke Volkert

Alicia you gotta do a black butler reaction 😭


Love RWBY but those garbage subtitles are very distracting...

Quinton Macejkovic

AAAAAAAA I can't wait for more! Eagerly awaiting the next episodes :D

Broccoli Ben

To this day, I still consider the gun-chucks in this last episode to be the best fight scene in the series, i don’t know how many times I’ve rewatched it, it’s utter perfection to me


No, not the Dutch shops! I never knew that about Jaune's semblence. That's INSANE! How long have I been into RWBY before finding out. He also fastens his scroll to his shield to keep tabs on auras after Goodwitch's lecture. fr Alicia, Youtube was amazing back in the day. I watched most of Bleach, Naruto and Inuyasha there. Waited for an episode to load while paused for like 15-20 minutes beforehand back when preloading was a thing


Fun fact, that's actually a scene that Monty had (partially) animated even before working on RWBY. (Look up Monty Oum - My Lecon on YouTube. There's reuploads there of the original he posted on Facebook in Oct 2014, but even in that post, he mentioned that he was something he visualized years before.)


Did you delete my comment? Did I do something wrong?

Robert Walker

He technically had it unlocked since then. He just didn't know how to use it


the thing i love about torchwick is that he is such a good fighter even without having a semblance to help him

Sam Marsh

Salutations!!! The world became a brighter place when Penny came into our lives. Also, I can’t be the only one who was confused when Pyra started talking about semblances, volume one didn’t really explain the concept.

Daniel Siegfried

....i hate that when the Ursa zoomed in on Cardin, my brain just went "so i was sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties"


It's also funny to see someone other than Alicia making weirdly accurate predictions about a series they're reacting to.


Fun Fact: Faunus characters like Velvet & Blake having 2 sets of ears, both human AND animal (even tho it makes no biological sense), was due to an unfortunate limitation of the animation/modeling software RT was using at the time. After RWBY got a major animation/budget upgrade in the later seasons, they introduced a character which ONLY animal ears in the place where human ears should be, thus finally giving us a Faunus design that makes biological sense.