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MEGA LINK (Link will be disabled when the audio version is release, read down below ⬇️)


So I don't want to end the year with another, "Need to delays this animation because of *insert excuse here* " So the plan is to just release the video, with no audio. I'll release the updated version when the voice actor is available on a separate post . Sorry if this is inconvenient for anyone 🙇. Hopefully next year I'll be consistent with uploads moving forwards. Patreon will choose the next animation for January!

🥰Thank You Message🥰:

I hope everyone had a great holiday season and hope you have a great new year everyone.  Thank you to everyone in the Patreon. This first year has been crazy for me. I really appreciate the support for this year and I hope to see you in the next year.

I'm pretty excited for next year. I've got big plans and I think you guys might enjoy it.

~ Acefishy




Very Hot. Merry New years eve


Animation looks great! Mary’s gonna be a tentacle mother 😈