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Hello everyone!

First of all, I'm so sorry about disappearing for the past couple of months or so (I tried to remain - more or less - available on my discord, but I haven't been posting anything here), I got a bit burnt out and I started a new IRL job which consumed most of my time. However, now that things are mostly settled, I am back stronger and more motivated than ever! I'll try to be more 'active' than I used to and more constructive in general.

Understandably I lost most of my patrons, but for You guys who kept supporting me even when I didn't give anything back, I'm more than grateful and I'll make sure to repay it in any way I can!

For those who I still own commissions; I'll try my best to finish everything by the end of this month, and finally start from zero in the next~ (I'll probably make some changes in the near future to how much private commissions do I accept at a time, so that no one has to wait months one they've been already paid.)

Thanks for understanding and see you again soon! I'll have plenty of [hopefully] great content to upload in the upcoming weeks! ;] Stay tuned~





Glad to see you back