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So every year I assess my prices for pledges and change them based on how much i feel I should charge, these changes are never usualy that large (usualy a couple $ here or there)

But its done to make sure im charging fairly for my time and what allows me to do this for a full time thing.

THIS ONLY APPLYS TO ART REWARD TIERS! so people on the lower tiers need not worry!

This is mostly due to the fact the higher tiers are basicly "comission slots" and the last thing I want to be doing is under selling them, this also then allows me to re assess how many slots I feel i should have open too!

This change ill be coming in march! so keep your eyes peeled for that announcement, youl be given a lot of fore warning so no need to panic.  all existing pledges of those higher tiers will be removed and you'll need to repledge to get back on!, don't worry I will give plenty of time for people to prepare for it.

TLDR: Making update - Improve existing tiers - Prices may rise by a small amount to make sure I can keep doing this as a job.


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