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Phyllis St. Pierre

Ha! Wanted to get in one of the first comments. Yay me😊. Just wanted to let you guys know that you are bringing a lot of joy to my life. Don't get me wrong-- I have a great life and family, but I do need some me time and watching your BTS content is part of my self-care routine. Thank you so much. 💜

Marissa K

I've gone camping so much when I was younger that I now will not go. I prefer a nice hotel or Air bnb, anywhere with working plumbing is essential. That extra bit on top of the tent is for potential rain...or snow for those crazy winter camping people. That one was all top screen for air flow. If you keep it off if you know that it will be a clear night, you can see the stars as you're in bed.

Marissa K

Won't go camping.....but I'd be like JK on that swing. I want to do that. I'd plan a trip to NZ just to do that


The pumpkin drink is sihkye.. no idea what that is but it's not soda. 😂 some kind of rice drink from what I understand. If someone knows better than me.. what exactly is it? Lol

Phyllis St. Pierre

🤣 Parent Trap. I know, Steph. I know. The OG version, though. You're probably too young. 😂

farah sherif

it's funny that you say you haven't seen any one fall yet because they fall all the time especially Jimin who has a history of falling of off chairs and when he laughs to hard