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After Beatrice ate her evening meal in silence, she decided to take her evening tea in the parlor where she took a worn brown leather bound book off of the shelf to read. The leatherbound Jane Eyre was a near perfect copy of its first edition counterpart locked away behind a pane of protective glass. The major and most striking difference between the copy and the original was that the first edition was bought three years ago at auction for a lowly six figure sum, whereas the copy she was rereading had been given to her by her father when she was fourteen. The only sounds that broke through the thick silence was the occasional, gentle, crackling of wood in the fireplace and the constant ticking of the grandfather clock. The clock, normally a thing she could ignore easily enough any other night but tonight it thundered away every second that passed by. Each tick struck down another second, another minute, another fear, another hour, as she sat alone with her book.

When she first heard the car door slam, Beatrice had nearly jumped out of her seat and ran towards the door, only managing to regain her composure and sat back in her seat and wait. The grandfather clock continued to tick away every second that passed, demanding to know what was taking them so long?  Finally, unable to take it anymore, Beatrice stood, straightened her skirt, and strode with her usual grace into the foyer.

“–one shrimp!” She heard Chloe loudly laugh. Good manners dictated that a proper woman leave or make herself known. It was bad manners to eavesdrop on someone else’s conversation. However it was the duty of a good grandmother to protect her granddaughter’s chastity, she told herself as she peered out of one of the windows that flanked the door’s frame.

The pea gravel crunched under their feet as William led Chloe to the cobblestone steps in front of the large door. At any other time Chloe would have brushed William’s hand away, insisting he could do it himself but the wine from dinner had finally caught up with him and his small frame. Chloe had never been able to hold his liquor very well, but that never stopped him. “You can do this.” he whispered to himself.

“What?” William asked as he helped the smaller girl up the next step.

Chloe blushed and realized he had been speaking out loud. “I’m just…I meant this was fun.” ‘Mostly.’ He giggled happily at the silent dig at the cute little rich boy.

“I had a lot of fun too.” He smiled as they stood in front of the imposing door.

“Yeah.” Chloe nodded and held the hem of his dress with his free hand for balance. “Alas all good things must come to an end.” Chloe giggled and bit his lips. Trying to think of anything but the circus doing backflips in his stomach at that moment.

“There’s always next time if you want.”

“Could we have more of the awesome cake?!”

“I might be able to arrange it.” William chuckled.

“Then yes!” Chloe smiled at the bigger man. “You’re not as annoyingly pompous as I thought when we first met.”

“Really now?” William laughed.

“Shi–shoot. I didn’t mean–”

“It’s fine.” William waved the pretty girl off. “No offense to your grandmother but I hate those kinds of parties.”

“Me too!” Chloe gasped.

“I have to put on an act for all my family’s friends.” William groaned, rolling his eyes.

“So the act you chose was a pompous snot to deal with a boring party?”

“Well, we can’t all huck shrimp at people.” William chuckled.

“It was one shrimp!” Chloe giggled.

“Besides,” William said, placing his free hand on Chloe’s cheek, “it wasn’t a total bore. I got to meet you, after all.” Chloe was thankful the little rich boy closed his eyes and didn’t see Chloe rolling his.

As William’s lips approached his, Chloe shrugged softly and took half a step back and turned his cheek to face William. He’d agreed to a date, and ‘This is how you end good dates.’ Chloe thought. The kiss on the cheek was soft and gentle, and nothing like the kiss they shared on the dance floor. Turning to leave Chloe’s heel had caught between the cobblestone robbing him of his balance. Chloe grabbed the closest stable thing he could find. William. Wrapping his arms around the taller boy Chloe looked up at her hero and giggled softly.

William had been disappointed at first when Chloe turned away from his kiss but when she practically threw herself at him he concluded she must have been checking the windows for any lurking parents and found them all clear. Not wasting an opportunity to kiss the beautiful blonde William pulled her into him and once again their lips met. Chloe ran her hands through his hair as she moaned and her tongue excitedly danced around his.

Chloe couldn’t believe it! William had pulled him into yet another kiss. Chloe held on tightly to William, trying to right himself and find his balance again. Chloe pushed against William’s firm chest only to feel his balance start to give way once more forcing him to pull himself closer to William. After a few moments to ensure he wouldn’t immediately fall Chloe grasped for William’s ear but was unable to find it as the world around him lurched and he wrapped his arms around William’s shoulders. For several seconds he absently felt for the boy’s ear with one hand while he tried to force the boy’s tongue out of his mouth with his own. ‘He’s a better kisser than Spencer.’ Chloe thought as he felt the world moving under his feet. Chloe imagined himself stumbling back in these stupid shoes only to fall and shatter like one of Grandmother’s little porcelain dolls in this stupid dress.

But it quickly passed as he could feel the other boy’s firm hands holding him tight against his body. Jared’s small voice called out through the haze, reminding him that he wasn’t supposed to let another boy do this to him. He was supposed to fight back when something like this happened. He wasn't supposed to…He was supposed to…‘At least he has good breath.’ he moaned.

The feeling of hard and cold stone against his back as William firmly pressed him against the pillar broke his train of thought. ‘Sonofa!’ Chloe thought angrily, ‘The jerk got my dress dirty.’ William’s fingers wrapped around Chloe’s hair and gently tugged, bringing a gasp and clarity to his mind. ‘Fuck the dress!’ he thought angrily, ‘He shouldn’t be kissing me at all!’ Finally Chloe’s fingers found William’s ear.

Before he could yank on William’s ear the large door opened and Beatrice cleared her throat. “Did you not get enough to eat at dinner?”

William broke the kiss and both he and Chloe stared at the matronly woman. ‘Oh thank Grandma.’ he panted, trying to catch his breath.

“Uh…I mean, I did. Yes ma’am.” William said, stepping back from Chloe.

“Then perhaps it is time for you to leave.” The stern woman glared at the young boy as Chloe stood at her side.

“Yes ma’am.” William smoothed his hair back into place and smiled awkwardly at Chloe, “I had a great time tonight, Chloe.”

Chloe straightened his dress when he felt a thump on the back of his arm. “Thank you for a lovely time.” Chloe said automatically. It was all he could do not to drop into a curtsey.

“Hopefully you will remember your manners in the morning.”

“Yes ma’am.” William frowned and backed away slowly down the cobblestone steps, only turning around when the chauffeur handed him the small bag with the restaurant’s logo on the sides. “Good night.” He winked at Chloe as he placed it in the girl’s hands and again backed away from Beatrice until he heard the crunch of gravel under foot and turned to get into his car.

Inside Chloe walked beside Beatrice in silence. The warm touch of William’s lips against his own still lingered long after their kiss. ‘If I had to kiss a guy,’ he thought hazily as his mind drifted back only moments ago, ‘at least he was a good kisser.’ Suddenly Chloe pulled his hand away from his lips as though he had touched a hot iron. ‘Not that I want to kiss a guy!’ He told himself, ‘He’s just–It’s just better to kiss someone good at it than someone who sucks at it, that’s all.’ Chloe moaned in frustration. ‘Been too long since I’ve got some. That’s all. Once I’m outta here I’ll hire a girl or two and clean the pipes. With tits as big as your head.’ He added, bunching the hem of his dress in his fist when he felt a hand touch his shoulder causing him to jump slightly.

As if summoning him back to the present Chloe became aware that he had barely been listening to whatever Beatrice had been saying as he was led up the stairs to his room. When Chloe looked up at the old woman he had expected to see the same stern look she always wore, or worse the enraged scowl she wore when she had threatened to spank him, but instead Beatrice was…smiling? It was as though time had unraveled and he was allowed to see the beautiful and proud woman she once had been.

“Wha–pardon?” he asked, remembering himself.

Beatrice laughed softly, “I asked if you had a good time, but I rather think that question is moot.”

“I–I did.” He answered, staring at his heels to hide the blush that spread over his face.

“That young man must be one amazing kisser to still leave you in such a state.” His cheeks burning hotter than the sun Chloe didn’t know how else to answer the confusing old woman, so he settled for simply nodding as he clung to his leftovers. He had expected her usual ambivalence, or even anger at making out with a boy on the first–and only–date, not…whatever this was. “What have you got there?” Beatrice asked, stopping to lift Chloe’s chin so she was looking directly at her, “Another present from your beaux?” Even more unexpected than the elegant smile was the warmth and gentleness that poured out of her voice. Unlike the obviously fake friendliness Chloe had heard her use at the party before this felt…genuine?

“It’s…a cake desert thing.” Chloe shivered as though he had suddenly become even more aware of how cold the mansion always had been. “For, um, for Sheffield.”

Beatrice’s smile continued as she tucked a strand of hair behind Chloe’s ear. “I do believe he is in the kitchen at present. Why don’t you run along and make yourself ready for bed and I will deliver him his dessert. We can talk more after you’ve cleaned up.” Despite it not being a question Chloe nodded in agreement and turned on his heel and hurried into the bathroom. In that moment he would have agreed to anything to escape the uncomfortable conversation. Totally unaware that an even more uncomfortable conversation lay in his future.

After returning from delivering the dessert to Sheffield, and a brief conversation before she sent him out on an errand, Beatrice was pleased to see her son smiling as he closed the front door behind him. “I trust you showed Miss Bellmonte a pleasant time?” She asked as Mark removed his coat.

“I can’t really speak for her, but I had a lot of fun.” He smirked.

Beatrice’s smile faltered as she huffed and reminded her son, “A proper gentleman–”

“A proper gentleman tends to his date’s every want and need.” He interrupted. “I know, mother.”

“A proper gentleman also does not interrupt his mother.”

Mark bit back on the snarky comment that had leapt to his tongue and fought back against the teen rebellion that had seemed to bubble back to the surface ever since he had returned to his ancestral home. “You’re right. I’m sorry. She had a great time and we’re going to see each other again.”

“Wonderful.” Beatrice smiled, quite proud that Chloe’s date with an affluent young suitor had gone so well thanks to her training.

Mark studied his mother’s face with nearly as much as Chloe had done. He noted the smugness of her smile but there was something else mixed in with the smile. He was tempted to ask her what had her in such a good mood but knew better than to risk it and simply smiled and started up the stairs, reminding himself that the alternative would have been another argument with his mother and the last thing he wanted was to let his mother ruin his good mood.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?”

Mark paused and thought, “Um…good night?”

Beatrice huffed, feeling her good mood begin to slip away, “Chloe.”

“Oh. What about hi–uh, her?”

“She’s home.”


Beatrice narrowed her eyes, “If this is how you conducted yourself as a father during her formative years then it is no surprise Chloe turned out the way she has.”

Mark sighed, “I conducted myself just fine. And technically I wasn’t there during her formative years.”

“All the more reason for you to be here now.”

“I am here.”

“I do not mean just physically.” Beatrice sighed, “The first man a girl loves is her father. She looks to him to know what kind of man is a good man and that affects every relationship that comes after him.”

“I don’t know what else you want me to do.”

“Have you at least had the talk with her yet?”

Chloe hated to get out of the warm bathtub but at least he was out of those god awful shoes and that overly girly dress, even if it was only just to slip into some equally girly pink satin pajamas. They may have been bubblegum pink but at least they were pants…of a kind. As he was buttoning the satin top he paused at his feminine reflection in the makeup mirror. ‘Didn’t she say she wanted to talk to me?” He thought, “Did she mean tonight or tomorrow over breakfast or something?’ He wondered. ‘If she comes in now and sees my chest…apparently everybody has a key to my room!’ he continued to stare at his flat chest for a moment, imagining the confusion she would have at seeing his boy chest. Would she just assume he, or she, was even more flat chested than she initially thought? Would she scream and shout tranny before kicking him to the curb? Worse, would she work out that he wasn’t Mark’s daughter but some criminal and call the cops? She was acting incredibly weird earlier, what if that was just to lull him into a false sense of security? “Better safe than sorry.” Chloe sighed and took a bra out of the dresser draw along with the breast filets buried underneath.

A few minutes later while he was brushing his hair, he heard a knock at his door. “Chloe?” Mark asked through the door. “Are you up?”

“Uh…yeah.” Chloe stood and unlocked the door, “What’s up, M–dad?” He started to call Mark by his name until he saw Beatrice following him into the room, with that weird smile still on her face.

“We should talk…about boys.” Mark groaned painfully.

Chloe’s eyes widened and it was all he could do not to yell a resounding ‘Hell no!’ “I’m good with boys.” He said instead, “I know all about ‘em.”

“That is what we are afraid of.” Beatrice said, taking the brush out of Chloe’s hand. “We are worried growing up as you did, you might have picked up some…bad information about men and boys and we simply wanted to dispel any erroneous ideas you may have.”

“You too? Dad!” Chloe stared daggers at Mark who had seated himself on the bench seat under Chloe’s window. It was all Chloe could do not to curse out the other man. He knew Mark’s improv skills were shit, but he had thought there would have been an obvious out of a needless conversation like this.

Beatrice cleared her throat again and again Mark recited what Beatrice had clearly coached him to say, “I want to make sure you’re being safe. Because, you’re my daughter and…I love you.” Chloe could just make out the sound of Mark’s jaw clenching as he added the last words.

“O…oh.” Chloe cleared his throat and covered the encroaching smile with his hand as he looked away. He would have laughed at how obviously the older man had hated saying he loved him if not for the fact he was still being dragged into an awkward conversation he did not want to have.  “Anyway, I already know where babies come from. So…no worries.” He said with a click of his tongue and gave them both a thumbs up as he tried to make a break for the door.

“Chloe Rose Pasini!” Beatrice snapped. Her voice taking on its harsh tone as she snatched Chloe by the wrist left caused the feminized man to jump, allowing the old woman to pull him down next to her on the bench at the foot of Chloe’s bed. “I know this is an uncomfortable conversation but; You. Will. Pay. Attention.” Beatrice said and jabbed the brandished brush at Chloe with every word, warning the feminine man that she had no qualms about pulling him over her knee and spanking him like an unruly little girl as she had threatened multiple times before. “Is that clear, young lady?"

After a moment Chloe said, “It’s Burke.”


“My name’s not Pasini. It’s Burke.” He wasn’t sure why he corrected her. Other than it being a fake name on his fake ID it never came up. But it felt good to see that was all it took to knock the bluster out of her.

“We can address that later.” The matriarch said gently, glancing at her son before returning to her granddaughter. “But right now, we are going to have this conversation and if you know as much as you claim then this will be mercifully quick.”

Chloe thought for a moment as the room spun back and forth before deciding it would be easier to just agree and get it over with. After all he knew everything he needed to know about sex, “Yes, Grandmother.” he sighed.

“Splendid.” Beatrice nodded as she placed her hand on Chloe’s knee, both as a source of comfort and a way to ensure Chloe paid attention. “Mark.”

Mark rubbed his forehead as he eyed the feminine man pretending to be his daughter, “You’re…a girl…so boys are going to want to…” Mark cleared his throat, looking anywhere but at his mother and fake daughter, “that is…” Taking a deep breath he decided to just power through the rest of the talk as quickly as he could, “Whenamanandawomanloveeachotherthemanwillwithherconsentputhispenisintohervaginaandthat’swherebabiescomefrom.” Mark nodded and stared at Chloe seeing his mother’s unamused glare. “But uh, you should wait until marriage.” he added with a wag of his finger.

Beatrice clicked her tongue and with a gentle smile turned to Chloe and asked, “Chloe, do you want to tell your father how I caught you and your young man this evening?”

“Not really.” Chloe blushed deep crimson. It was bad enough Beatrice had caught them, but he definitely didn’t want Mark to know!

Now Mark looked at Chloe and Beatrice with genuine curiosity. “What happened?”

“Nothing!” Chloe snapped.

“I caught our darling Chloe kissing William.” Beatrice said, ignoring Chloe’s lie. For now.

“Really!” Mark said in surprise. “You didn’t tell me that.”

“It was an accident!”

Beatrice scoffed. “How do you expect us to believe that?”

“My–it was those stupid shoes! They got caught in the brick and I–I tripped!”

“Oh please.” Beatrice shook her head, “There is no cause to insult our intelligence with such a terrible lie. I saw you kissing him with my own eyes and I am not so old that I have forgotten the face of someone who has enjoyed kissing her beau.”

“Grandmother!” Chloe whined. ‘What is up with her tonight?’

“That is a pretty bad lie.” Mark chuckled.

“It’s true!” Chloe jumped to his feet, only for Beatrice to immediately pull him back down.

“There is no point in lying and if you continue to do so I will wash your mouth out with soap again.” Chloe groaned but said nothing, not wanting to get another bar of soap shoved in his mouth. “I was your age once and just as beautiful, and I remember well how wonderful and thrilling it felt to be kissed by a handsome boy.” Chloe groaned painfully, feeling even his ears begin to burn with shame. If this was how painful sex talks with your parents were, he was glad he didn’t have any.

“Great. Can we be done now?” Chloe sighed, burying his face in his hands and tried as hard as he could to fall through the earth.

“If you can stand to be honest we won’t be much longer.” Beatrice said, lifting the poor boy’s head out of his hands.

“Fine.” He groaned.

“Are you on birth control?” Beatrice asked.

“No!” Chloe groaned.

“Do you know how to put a condom on?”

“Yes.” Chloe rolled his eyes.

“You’ve put a condom on a man's penis?” Mark asked, still enjoying the tormented look on Chloe’s face.

“No!” He shouted defensively. “I've never looked at a guy's junk!”

“Then how do you know how to put a condom on a man?” He asked with a gleeful smirk.

“You know, like the internet and school and stuff.” Chloe said, thinking he had found an out of this conversation.

“I think a demonstration is in order.” Beatrice sighed as she stood up from the bed.

“What do you mean by that?!” Chloe shouted and stared in fright at Mark. “What does she mean by that?!” He asked in a desperate whisper. Mark shrugged in confusion.

Beatrice pressed a button on the intercom by the door, “Sheffield, bring the items we discussed to Chloe's room, straight away.”

Sheffield smiled awkwardly at the young girl as he handed the small plastic shopping bag to Beatrice and left the room.

“What’s this?” Chloe asked.

“This,” Beatrice said, trying to keep the disgust and awkwardness out of her voice, as she pulled out a banana and a small box of condoms out of the bag, “is a demonstration.”

“Do we really have to do this?” Mark begged.

“We do. The young girl is clearly naive and the schools can not be trusted to teach her properly.”

“I’m not naive.” Chloe argued.

“So you keep saying.” Beatrice shook her head and placed the banana and box of condoms in Chloe’s hands. “Now it is time for you to prove you at least know this much.”

Chloe groaned but attempted to open the box. Dropping it twice before Beatrice took the box out of his hands and opened it for him. “It’s because of the nails.” He cried in his defense. He had opened a box of condoms before but that had been when he had closely cut nails, not the painted ones he now wore. It was clear from the expression on Beatrice’s face that she didn’t believe the young girl however. Tearing the condom open proved even more difficult than the box. Only made worse by the silence that filled the room as the two watched him struggle.

“Oh, here.” Beatrice finally said in frustration.

“I’m just not used to the nails.” Chloe pouted.

“I am sure.” Beatrice said sarcastically as she easily tore the wrapper open before taking the banana in her hand. “Now watch, first you check to make sure the condom is right-side-out.” She said, turning the condom over in her fingers. “There will be a lip or rim on the edge. If it's inside-out, the edge will be smooth. Ah, good. It is. Normally you want to make sure the penis is fully erect but with our little friend here we do not have to worry.” Chloe and Mark both winced silently. “Next you find the reservoir tip and pinch it shut.” She demonstrated with great over exaggeration like a magician about to do some bizarre trick. “This will eliminate the possibility of creating an air pocket inside the condom when it is worn, reducing the chance of breakage and providing the semen with a place to go during ejaculation.” At this both men groaned in disgust. “Oh grow up.” Beatrice shook her head, seeing where Chloe got her juvenile attitude. “Next, we gently roll the condom on and we smooth out any air bubbles that may appear along the way..” She said as she rolled the condom on over the tip of the banana. “The condom should easily roll down the length of the shaft of the penis.” Again both men groaned. “Perfect.” Beatrice said with a smile as she held up the now protected banana.

“Great.” Chloe groaned. “Good talk. I, for one, learned a lot.” Chloe forced a smile to his face, hoping to end this nightmare.

“That is good. Because now it is your turn to show me what you have learned.” Beatrice said as she removed the condom.


“Yes, seriously. I will not have you barefoot and pregnant like some hillbilly.”

“That’s a bit harsh, Mother.”

Beatrice gave Mark a look but relented, “I apologize. I merely wish to know that you are safe and prepared should you let your emotions carry you too far.”

“Fine.” Chloe groaned, taking the banana out of the older woman’s hands. ‘If it’ll get her out of here.’ He thought as he struggled to tear open the package. Resorting to using his teeth to open it, much to the dismay of Beatrice. Chloe’s hands swayed as he tried to place the condom on the tip of the banana. After a moment he found the tip and slid the condom down its length. Unfortunately catching on something and tearing a large hole along the side.

“Oh dear. You seemed to have caught a snag. What do you do now?”

“Raw dog it.”

“I beg your pardon?!” Beatrice gasped in horror.

‘Oh shit, I said that out loud?!’ Chloe thought in a panic, “I meant, get another condom. Obviously.” He said with an awkward giggle. Tearing into the condom wrapper this time Chloe closed one eye and slid the condom on easier. Thankfully it didn’t tear so he would be forced to repeat the process yet again. For some reason as he was unrolling the condom along the length of the banana he thought back to kissing William and how nice he had smelled. ‘I wonder if he has to go through this nightmare now too because of me.’ Chloe thought with a smile. ‘And god, what a kisser.’ Chloe’s eyes widened in terror as he suddenly stood.

“What’s wrong?” Mark asked.

“I told you I don’t wanna do this!” Chloe shouted, throwing the fruit away, as he tried to make for the door and escape this nightmare. Unfortunately the only escape meant passing by Beatrice who, with her surprising quickness grabbed the girl by her arm and pulled her back into the room and struck the young girl on her rear end with the backside of the flat brush she still wielded in her hand as she passed.

“Ow!” Chloe screamed, “What the f–”

Chloe was cut off as another blow struck his butt once more. “I warned you what would happen!” Beatrice seethed.

“What the hell!” Chloe howled as he tried to break loose from the old woman’s grip, only for Beatrice to force him back down and pin the arm she still held to his back, “Stop you old bi–” Chloe was cut off as Beatrice spanked his ass once again. “You can’t do this to me!” He knew he wasn’t the strongest guy in the world but to be so easily overpowered by this old woman as she spanked him was a humiliating blow to his male ego.

“You are right.” Beatrice stopped and glared at Mark, “It is your father’s job to discipline his unruly child.”

“What?!” Chloe and Mark both shouted simultaneously.

Beatrice didn’t know what had caused Mark to become such a lax father but it no longer mattered. Now that he was here she was able to help him make up for his obvious parental deficiencies. “I trust you remember how punishment goes.” She said, holding out the brush handle to Mark. Mark jumped to his feet without question, knowing all too well the sting of her discipline. “Chloe, I am going to let you go so that you can brace yourself on the chair. If you do not, or if you fight against your father, I will cane your bare bottom until you can no longer sit down. Is that understood?”

“You can’t!” Chloe shrieked. Wasn’t it bad enough that the old woman spanked him like a child throwing a tantrum? Now she expected him to willingly let Mark spank him?!

“Then bend over and grip the chair.” Beatrice’s cold reply left Chloe wanting for the charmingly weird smile she wore barely an hour ago. If she was going to lose it over some swearing, how would she react if she pulled his pants down and saw her supposed granddaughter's penis?!

With no choice, Chloe slowly sniffled as he bent over and gripped the sides of the chair and its soft plush cushion that now taunted his sore backside. Beatrice nodded to her son. Mark needed to be a father to the girl now. And that meant being gentle and loving when she was good and taking a firm hand with her when she pushed back against what was right. Mark gripped the brush in his hand and recalled the punishments he received in the past. Three spankings for each use of foul language. Another three for back talk. Five more for disrespecting a parent. ‘I was having such a nice night before all this,’ he thought.

The first blow against Chloe's butt with a small slap. Causing only a small grunt from Chloe. At first Chloe thought it hadn’t hurt because he had time to brace for the pain, but by the third he realized that Mark just wasn’t hitting as hard as Beatrice. But still he grunted in pain with each spanking. Either his acting wasn’t up to snuff or the old woman could tell from the sound alone Mark wasn’t doing the job.

“If you are going to baby the girl she will never learn her lesson.” Beatrice said, “Now, if you truly do not have the follow through to teach her, give me the brush and I will show you both how it is to be done.”

Mark paused. He didn’t want to spank the younger man at all. But a small part of him worried if he gave her the brush she would use it on him as well. Gripping the brush tighter, Mark struck Chloe’s arched butt with a much louder slap this time.

Mark had hoped he could get away with spanking the younger man lightly, but knew now it was impossible. With the first two spankings he added more of his strength into each strike and gave the feminized man time to recover before the next. But as he continued the intervals between the previous spanking and the next grew less and less as he couldn’t help but think about what this manipulative bastard had cost him. In ten more years he could have been the bank manager and lived as he wished. The future he could have had was now up in flames thanks to Sam, Chloe, or whatever his name really was anymore. He had worked hard for so long, had been a good man for so many years and for what? In the end it didn’t matter when there were people like this who could so callously destroy a life without a care. With every strike it felt as if his soul became a little lighter and he wasn’t even half way through. If people like this could do whatever they wanted without consequence why couldn’t he?! He could just continue and he would finally feel better! Then, Chloe’s knees buckled.

Chloe yelped in pain as Mark hit him with the first real blow. And barely given any time to recover before the next two fell. As hard as the next two strikes had been they still were not as painful as the much more experienced Beatrice had landed. If Mark was still holding back he still struck with painful accuracy as two more spankings hit in the exact same spot. Chloe caught sight of himself in the mirror as another blow fell. His face burned with humiliation as he whimpered from the pain. First the old lady had bested him easily and now he was being spanked in pink pajamas by his pretend dad like a little girl who spilled her juice on a new rug! It was all just too much and Chloe did something he had not done since he was a small child. He began to cry as the next blow caused his knees to buckle.

Just when Chloe thought the spanking would go on forever, they suddenly stopped and he felt himself being righted. Through watery eyes Chloe could just see Mark towering over him. “Remember this the next time you act up.” Mark’s voice trembled as he spoke. “I don’t want to have to do this again. Okay?” Chloe nodded. “Good.” As he left he could still hear the smaller feminine man sniffling from the pain.

“You should get some rest.” Beatrice frowned before following Mark out of the room.

Mark sat in his room with a glass of brandy in his hand, staring into the glass as the dark liquid swirled in his hand. He wasn’t sure which was worse, the fact he had nearly lost control, the fact he wanted to lose control, or the fact that some part of himself even now wanted to justify causing Sam pain as though he were some sort of instrument of karma. Chloe wasn’t his real daughter, or even a real girl. Yet in that moment when she buckled all he saw was a crying girl in pain. Pain he had selfishly inflicted.

The familiar sound of shoes moving from rug to hardwood floor caught his attention. His muscles automatically tightened under his skin. He didn’t need to be Kreskin to know his mother was outside his room. “If you're here to scold me for not finishing the spanking, then save it.”

“And you can stow the attitude.” Beatrice said more gently than he had expected as she entered the room. “I am not here to scold you.”

“That was…awful.” Mark said, silently adding “I was awful.”

“Now you know a degree of how your father and I felt every time we had to punish you.” She said with a sigh and took a seat next to Mark on his bed.

Mark cut his eyes at Beatrice, “If you ever felt like I do now, you would never have done it a second time.”

“If you will recall, it was your father who dealt out the majority of your punishments.”

“Because you told him to!” Mark growled.

“When you were born you were such a beautiful baby. The first time you smiled at me I knew then nothing in this world would ever make me that happy ever again.” Beatrice smiled at the fond memory as a tear came to her eye. “However,” The tear fell along with her smile as she continued, “When I had to spank you for the first time it shattered my heart into a million pieces. To hear you cry in pain…and to know it was my fault…I thought I might never recover.”

“Clearly you got over it.”

“What makes you say that? Because I spanked you again?” She asked, wiping the tear from her cheek, “I had to. Being a parent is a great responsibility, and as with every responsibility there is a cost to be paid. Too many so-called parents are too weak to pay that cost and so shirk their responsibilities. If your father or I had shirked our responsibilities you would be like these other spoiled fops who sit on their trust funds all day. Pardon my french. I am not so arrogant as to think I have not made any mistakes in raising you. Every parent makes mistakes.”

“Is that how you justify it to yourself?”

“No. But it is the truth. It is that guilt and heartbreak I will suffer with until the end of my days.” She spoke softly as she placed her hand on his. “Guilt and heartbreak. That is the high cost every good parent must pay. You must be strong enough to pay that price, son.” With that said; Beatrice left Mark alone in his room once again leaving him too stunned to speak.



I love the story, fantasric writing


You did a great job, I can feel how much of an emotional day it was for Chloe/Sam