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Hey friends, hope you're doing well this week! Sorry to get this up a day late, but my day job kicked my butt yesterday, and my mental battery was simply empty. But I'm feeling recharged today, so let's do iiit!

First, for anyone who missed it -- I posted a photoset of Madison, available at all tiers. The concept? An artistic, saucy boudoir photoshoot, done as an anniversary gift for her husband! These will likely find their way into the game, sooner or later. But, why not check them out now? :D

Moving onto actual development stuff: The big goal this week is to prepare a workable demo for $15+ tiers. I'd like to have it available by this weekend, and I'm burning through renders as quickly as I can. I'll have to put in a few long days,  but I think I'll get there. At present I've finished all of Ashe's morning content, as well as the "wake up alone" content, and I'm working on stuff with Risa and Carolina. After that, I just need to do Nicki's sequences, and we'll be on our way! As soon as the demo's available, it'll be posted here in a dedicated post, as well as made available via the regular Discord channels.

As a reminder, I really recommend that people sign up for the Discord (and integrate their accounts), so they get the most up-to-date info and perks of their membership. If I post the demo on Discord, it's usually an hour later before it makes it over here onto Patreon. Plus, I'm always sharing art, random thoughts, etc. over there. Plus, it's just a good way to get in touch with me and fellow players.

In the name of expediting work on the game, I'm also going to be trying something new, next month. A while back, a friend of mine desperately needed a new laptop for remote work, so I footed the bill for it. But, she was recently able to upgrade, and so passed to me the laptop I'd bought: a pretty beefy little Asus Vivobook, which I'm hoping will allow me to remote into my PC at home, and increase the number of renders I'm able to do.

My day job is one of those hurry-up-and-wait positions, where I'm largely on standby -- until I'm not. On a good day, that means lots of downtime for writing, coding, etc. On a busy day like yesterday, it means I flop into bed at the end of a long shift, and try to melt into the blankets. Moving into the winter season, I'm hoping that'll mean a lot more downtime, where I can work on churning out renders. I'll let you know how that goes!

Besides that, things are going well! After a lot of fits and starts early into the development of this chapter, I'm kind of at the easy part now, and rolling through renders at a nice pace. I still need to write some stuff for the back end of the update, but for now my priority is making a dent in the art.

Speaking of which -- I'm going to get back to it! As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




You're a good friend. To those in need. Boom. Anyway I'm not sure what remote software you have access to, but I can recommend Google Remote Desktop since it's free and painless to install. I use it all the time at work to remote into my PC and the Viewport speed wasn't affected.


Hey Neon, if you're looking for a decent remote app: try Parsec. It's a more stable alternative to windows remote desktop.