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Thanks for the commission! The dick bulge goes great with the tight dress, as well as everything else.


Oh it's meant to be a fat pussy since she's so pudgy, I can make it flatter for you if you want since you didn't ask for a bulge


It was in the original commission details, but that was over a year ago so it's no problem that it was forgotten. Although strangely those chat logs seem to have disappeared. Regardless, yes the original details included that she would have a dick bulge in both versions. It was more prominent in the original sketches, I had just assumed that the size had been modified with everything else when it became a full complete drawing.


Ohhh I'm terribly sorry, I will get these edits made for you in the coming days. I assumed me from the past had gotten the original idea right so I just worked based off of that. Thank you for bringing this up.


I really do appreciate it. I could paypal you some money for your time in making these edits if you want. I wouldn't want you wasting your time just because some messages got lost.


No need for any extra payment, although thank you for offering. I'll be sending you the fixes soon through DMs.


No need for any extra payment, although thank you for offering. I'll be sending you the fixes soon through DMs.