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Starting a new small game series woot, some ideas just don't work in bigger games, and stories need to be told scenes need to be seen, smex needs to be had. And I always get the urge to make something new :P, So here we go , If anyone remembers Infinity blade , the games play sorta similar to that....sorta :P

Current Features(Most of the games created in this series will follow a similar feature list)
-Customizable character(Specific body parts size, skin color, hair. stuff like that)
-Win based upgrade system(When you win you choose a stat to upgrade(of course there's a smex scene to follow up))
-Lose Smex scene
-Findable weapons and clothes
-In game shop to buy weapon and clothes
-Full controller support
-Some puzzles(Yes very sexy puzzles :P )
-All the new stuff I've learned in FX and character animation(really what all this is about)
-Patreon DLC(clothes, weapons, skins, etc)
-rouge like elements(TBD)

Of course the Features as time goes but that's the core of it for now
The first game in this series is titled

Quick  FAP Adventures: Incubus Tower link below
Prototype link



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