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I decided to try, as an experiment, to start writing one story without pictures. It’s also interesting how interesting this format will be to you... =)

Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kaeru-chan-2-98534585


Among the noise of the metropolis, a girl stood completely naked, trying to calm her troubled mind. This girl's name was Kaeru Sekai, or better known by his name of "Joe". She still felt very strange being in the new body which she currently get, as an agreement for a certain foolish wish she made.

Joe is a normal salary-man. Everyday, he's so busy that it feels like his head gonna explode every now and then. One day, Joe got lucky and discovered a shiny and elegant looking bottle in an empty room, inside a small, seemingly abandoned shrine on the mountain behind his work office, the only one in the area and probably had been unused for several decades. As he got there on the usual smoking break, this day seemed no different, as everyone was so busy with paperwork to spare any time to stop smoking even for a mere second. Curious about the small yet very unique looking bottle, Joe took the bottle out, examined it thoroughly.

"Master." A calm voice appeared beside him suddenly. Joe jumped for a bit as he quickly glanced at his side, seeing a strange looking man with black turbaned clothes.

"The hell? Where did you come from?" Joe said while feeling suspicious.

"I am but a humble Genie, Master." He simply bowed down without hesitation.

"Genie?! You're kidding me! That doesn't exist, those are just bed time stories." Joe snorted in an irritated voice, making the Genie looked confused, tilting his head. "Who hired you?! Where did you hide the hidden cameras?!"

"But Master, this is my job." The Genie was becoming confused now and snapped his fingers - suddenly, the space warped and moved like some sort of TV screen, showing how Joe entered the abandoned shrine, how Joe touched the bottle and then the Genie appear out of thin air. "See?"

Joe's eye widened in a shocked state, he touched the bottle again with trembling hand. "H-How?" He didn't understand the situation.

"Master, please make you a wish," The man asked politely.

Joe slowly stared at the Genie and blurted out loud, "Make my life easier." He didn't thought it could happen, because it's all just fairy tales, and such thing couldn't be true, it all is just an old myth people used to spread to fool someone in a stupid way, Joe believed.

"...I am very sorry master, it can be done, but please reconsider." The Genie looked serious at his Master.

"Fine! Just make my office have sexy nudes babes around." Joe regretted asking that question, but he was so into it that he lost his judgment at the spur of a moment.

"...All right, that I can do." With a snap, a bling sound came and it was done - in the next second, Joe saw something weird was happening, but he still not yet knew what would exactly happened.

"Hey, Kaeru-chan," someone called from outside. Joe didn't realize that it's now his new name since he got the new body of a beautiful asian young woman. Joe quickly glanced around and noticed the girl that called him is actually his co-worker named Mary and she was wearing only hight heels.

"Ah!" 'Joe' gasped a bit and almost fell down because of the heels he wore. Strange new weight on chest bounced a little with the unexpected move too and added a little more confusion on him.

"Kya! Don't trip around like that!" Mary was about to help 'Joe' quickly, "The meeting is going to begin!"

"Eh? Uuu..." 'Joe' tried his best not to fall down, hearing in shock how high his voice became - he sounded now like a pretty teenage asian girl from anime series with heavy asian accent. "Waai?! Why I talk like dat?!" 'Joe' rubbed his throat and voice was still high pitched, and after it 'Joe' had to look down, noticing that 'he' was nude and a small firm breasts that bounced slightly because of his movement, much to her confusion. Only hight heels that she is wearing as her uniform at the moment.

Mary smiled lightly, grabbing Kaeru-chan arm softly, leading her toward their meeting room. "Let's get into the meeting, Kaeru-chan, everyone is waiting, and we have a lot of work."

Kaeru ('Joe'), still couldn't really believe everything and had no intention of going anywhere. 'He' needed to figure it all out. "Wait! Me no go! Look like...look like I am a giiiirl!!" Kaeru said loudly while grasping herself firmly and checked her body.

"Eh?! Kaeru-chan, what happened?!" Mary glanced at him or better to say her, now looking in concern.

"Oh yeenie! I wish-me back!" She is waving both arms with panic "Dis wish is no good! Ah no want girl!"

"Kya...Kaeru-chan, please be more quiet." Mary was hugging her softly now and whispering "Other workers are looking at you, please keep calm."

"Maeree, me... who?" Kaeru asked a stupid and obvious question, making Mary sigh a little bit before she explained about everything.

"Well... heh... You are Kaeru-chan... I heard you came from China some months ago and... Ahh~ This is really confusing me, I have no idea why did you suddenly act so strange.."

"But me boy..." 'Kaeru' nodded and gave Mary a confused look "Me need clothes. Can't walk 'round like dat."

Mary laughed nervously, feeling a little embarrassed as Kaeru said this "We... ehm... we never wear them..." She waved with one hand as if trying to push something aside and change the subject quickly.

Kaeru looked around and saw that all the girls were naked, only the men were dressed up. They all stood up, preparing everything for the meeting, ignoring Kaeru's nervous state.

"...Why men are only dresses and us are no...?" Kaeru asked in confusion.

"Ehh?! Because, because... Aha! They are males!" Mary smiled brightly at her answer "Please stop talking nonsense and don't ever say that to anyone. I hope no one heard you... Ok?"

"Mm...me, no undastand" Kaeru nodded reluctantly in confusion and then they walked toward the big conference hall.

Inside a fancy room, everyone sat down on comfortable chairs. All women were naked, while the men wore fancy suits or ties. While no one spoke, Kaeru 'Joe' was standing staring blankly around with his jaw wide open and face turning pale, until Mary elbowed her to stop it.

"Serve coffee to everyone," Mary said quietly to 'her' without looking back and getting a cup of coffee for her boss Mr. Jones. 'Joe' only responded after few seconds, grabbing two cups at once and stuttering "Umm.. Aa... Cupss!" noticing one of the men glared at her and she walked awkwardly with difficulty because of heels toward Mr.Jones. Cups shaking as she trying not to spill any coffee, Kaeru struggled to calm down and deal with everything. "Here da coffee mr Jones..." Kaeru with a shaking hand placed it on the desk with difficulty and shuddered when felt how warm hand caressed her butt.


To be continued... perhaps =)



It’s just that without a picture there are fewer restrictions and from time to time I just write what comes to mind and then in the process I start looking for photos, which of course affects what comes out, plus there are restrictions on the text and so that it’s all readable.. In general, for now I only have an idea, but I would like to do something more detailed and expanded.