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Hey all! 

I'm so so sorry for the late update on May rewards, I had a close family member go into hospital, and the ordeal put me behind my normal behind-schedule schedule, but the good thing is they're getting better! 

I can't apologise enough for the lateness. I'll be getting this set of figures exported, rendered and delivered later today. 

I was working on a second pirate/mermaid scene for May, but due to circumstances I wasn't able to finish this one, however, I will be finishing it up and delivering this figure set to both May and June patrons

As you can see, the environment was nearly done and cut and keyed. This particular setup is definitely a stretch to my normal designs, but it's coming along. 




No need for any apologies. Family always comes first and I'm sure everyone understands how stressful that can be. I hope they get better quickly.


He's better! which is good news all things considered. So now I just gotta get these models out to everyone - after a nap ☺️