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Sakie Asha (23, F, Cougar Fey'li): Former farm girl, former zexta jeweler's model. She currently works as an independent photographer/videographer. She's best known for her visual study of the nanitch hive on the outskirts of runai. She's somewhat less known for her dabbling in the jeweler's arts. She owns more than one handheld digital gorgon device as well as the digital gorgon necklace once liberally utilized by former Gelarium matron T'myne.

Tachi Nisharr (38, F, Tiger Fey'li): Geologist. Mining Engineer. Expert in the Mines of the Mashiva and Yu'min Valley regions. Wears obsidian black mk. 8 biogel. She currently works as a subterranean environments expert for Gelitech/Vixanti.

Jumie Sandri (20, F, Leopard Fey'li): An excessively curious and naive leopardess. Owing to circumstances beyond her control, she has become something of a plaything for Ki'su, who greatly enjoys watching her transform into various things both mundane and exotic. She always winds up back as her normal self, though no one really seems to know how or why.

Nenya Pa'rau (19, F, Shibi): The Librarian's Assistant. Most often encountered wearing a Vixie Mask and under the total control of the Destiny Explorer's Biogel Core. When 'off duty', she enjoys giving Ki'su suggestions about what strange transformation Jumie would like to experience next.

Ki'su (67 or 8,146 depending on who's doing the counting, F, Key'vin'ta): High Priestess of the Key'vin'ta people. No one knows how she got free from her eternal prison, post-quantum-clock-shenanigans, but she did. Then she showed up at Gelitech already coated in mk. 9 biogel, just like Chyka. She seems to share many of the little snow leopardess' powers, including the ability to take on the same 'biogel-demon' form. She seems to have little interest in the Destiny Explorer's mission, instead spending her days toying with Jumie and occasionally reminding a tourist or two that she is still very much a key'vin'ta priestess who enjoys the old ways as much as the new.



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