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After confirming that Buzzing Flies and Outhouse were confronting the problem at our cottage Link Rainbow Dash had decided she really, really needed a drink in my Equestria dreamscape. And like many RD doesn't like to drink alone. However Dash seemed to have forgotten a very important detail that most ponies in the town know.

      Don't get into a drinking competition with Fluttershy. Just don't. It won't end well for you. While the Element Kindness is known far and wide for her ability to communicate with animals she has another ability in my dreamscape. 

      The fact that ethanol has almost no effect on her. Well she needs to pee more, but for whatever reason she doesn't get drunk from it. A fact Rainbow Dash appears to have forgotten.

To be continued. 




It's always the pretty ones that you don't suspect that end up drinking you under the table. 😋

Chris Teet

I hope for Dash's sake Ponyville has something equivalent to Uber or Lyft, as I don't see her being in any fit shape to fly home after that...