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Trixie carefully lifted the unusual statue from the roughly hewn stone base. Unlike the base it rested on the statue was an exquisitely rendered figure in gold. The subject of the sculpture was another matter though. It was a rather grotesque serpentine figure that was wrapped around a massive black pearl. A smirk slowly spread across Trixie's lips. 

    "Starlight! Look at this! Isn't this amazing! What inspired an artist to create something like this? Any ideas?

     Starlight Glimmer started to replied when she noticed the growing light above and behind the 2 mermaids. Spinning around she looked behind them. 

      "Um. Trixie! I think I know what the inspiration for it was!"

      Another of the pieces I started during my recent MerMay 2023 Picarto stream. No matter what form they're in Starlight Glimmer and Trixie are always an amusing couple.




Dragons [Sea-Dragon?] are rather protective of their hoards. Me thinks that Trixie and Starlight may have a "little" problem here. Not so mild understatement this, I think! 'Axe


This takes me back to reading Conan #24, The Song of Red Sonja. Trixie’s mistake was to not first say “Ka nama kaa lajerama” before touching the crown made by Serpent-Men.