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A patron reward for McClaw. He wanted my take on Bill Redfern's Mzzkiti from Freighter Tails. Link  Warning. The website is the finest in 2000s design and was last updated in 2008. 




As someone who grew up during this era of web design, I have a strong affinity for it and find it comforting in its simplicity. 😊 I really love your take on this lady, too.


I don't know if I would consider that site as being simple. The tiny window to view the comic surrounded my the massive repetitive tile background was even at the time something I found substandard. But you have to start somewhere, and especially in the days when many were still on dial up it was often the best you could do. We grow, we learn, we get better.


My god, I haven’t thought about Freigher Tales since probably 2004. What a wonderful blast from the past.