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I smiled and tried to relax as Rainbow Dash proceeded to introduce us to her parents in my Equestria dreamscape.

      “Sky Brush, Petina, Carousel, I want you to meet my father Squall Line and my mother Trade Winds! They've wanted to meet you all for quite some time!”

      Squall Line in spite of his age was still a solidly built bright blue stallion. In his youth he must have been an impressive sight. Even now he looked like he could easily outfly me at the drop of the hat. It was obvious that RD had gotten her prismatic mane and tail from her mom. Even with strands of silver now showing it was vibrant riot of purples, violets, reds and oranges. Both of the wore their manes relatively short and both had the typical frumpled look that one's mane and tail get when one flies.

      After a few moments of introducing ourselves and settling into our seats. Trade Winds looked at us with a mirthful expression on her face. “You can't imagine how excited I am to meet the ponies that finally taught my daughter how to use a brush!”

      “Mom! Really! You make it sound like I was a wild animal growing up!” RD looked indignant but her eyes betrayed her. “Really is that the first thing you want to say to my friends and coworker?”

      “Don't know Rumbles. I think your mom is on to something! For the first couple of years it seemed more like we had some wild animal than a daughter!” Squall laughed and took a swig from his beer.

      “Rumbles?” Asked Petina. “I've never heard Dash called that. Has she always had that nickname?”

      “Oh yeah!” Said Squall. “When she was a little filly whenever she got angry she made this rumbling sound it was the most ador...”

      Squall Line's dialogue was cut short by Rainbow Dash stomping on one of her dad's lower legs.

      “Really dad! Nobody is interested in hearing stories about stuff that happened years, and years ago! Oh and look! The appetizers are here!”

      Conversation came to a halt as a great platter of tempura-styled vegetables were delivered to the table and ponies began to plow into a selection of fresh vegetables deep-fried in the most amazing batter. To truly enjoy them at their peak of flavor they had to be consumed just after they cooled enough not to burn your mouth. Accompanying the veggies was an assortment of sauces to dip them in.

      Half the fun of Pegasus Cooking was watching your food being prepared. It was one part short order cooking and one part Burning Man performance art. At the center of the dining hall was a circular cooking arena where goggle wearing crazy ponies wielded lightning bolts of varying size and intensity to heat, grill, boil, sear and cook your food into front of you.

      As the last of the veggies were devoured a great bell rang out from the center of the dining hall. Then one of the chefs would call out a table number and announce they were preparing their next dish. This way one could know when your next dish was being cooked and could watch the process.

      Over the next couple of hours a slow procession of dishes were prepared and brought to our table. Our table had ordered five dishes but they were cooked only when we'd finished the last one that way everything would be as freshly cooked as possible.

      After the tempura-styled vegetables were ears of sweet corn roasted and then slathered with a spicy chile-lime butter. A salad of fresh greens and nuts tossed in sweet vinaigrette prepared the palette for a rich, savory egg custard full of sauteed mushrooms, goat cheese, and fresh herbs. For dessert we enjoyed parfaits of raspberry sorbets with layers of fresh berries and sweetened whipped cream.

      The parfaits had just arrived when Trade Winds looked over at her daughter and asked. “So Dash dear, do you want me or dad to be your witness before Hurricane's Column tomorrow morning?”

      RD swallowed her mouthful of parfait and then paused for a moment. “Actually mom I was hoping Sky Brush here would be willing to act as my witness.”

      Both of her parents looked rather surprised by this declaration but then they both smiled at me with a rather quizzical look. For my part I just stared confused at everyone.

      “Um, witness before Hurricane's Column? Uh, I wasn't a very good student in my Pegasus history class. What are we talking about?”

      RD rolled her eyes. “Really Brick! Ugh! Hurricane's Column is only one of the most awesome pieces of pegasus history! Back when the tribes were still forming into Equestria, bands of young pegasi who wished to join the ranks of the pegasi military would gather every year at Commander Hurricane's villa to demonstrate they were worthy of joining the ranks. He would stand on top of one of his columns at his villa and watch the young candidates perform various flight maneuvers to show there skills and abilities. Only those worthy were allowed to join the squadrons that were now being tasked with protecting Equestria's skies. Those gathering evolved into what would become the Best Young Fliers Competition!”

      “When Commander Hurricane died the city of Cloudsdale had the column of structural cloud he use to stand upon moved to the center of the city and every year young candidates continued to gather before it to be tested and judged for squadron admission. Eventually it became tradition to place one's right front hoof upon the column and swear an oath to uphold the rules of the competition and the spirit of the squadrons and protect Equestria. Over the centuries the column moved to different locations in Cloudsdale; eventually it was located to the Cloudsdale Municipal Stadium where the Best Young Fliers Competition is now held. The stadium has been rebuilt several times, but Hurricane's Column has always been installed in the new facility.”

      I nodded my head. “Okay what's with the whole witness thing?”

      “Ah!” RD continued. “In days of old parents and instructors of young candidates would attend to vouch for that the young fliers did come from the families and houses that they claimed to be from, and that the competitors would act in an honorable fashion and abide by the rules. Today it is a formality but every competitor must still have a formal witness who is willing to place their hoof on the column and swear an oath before it. Last year Fluttershy was my witness and in years past my parents have been my witness, but this year I'd like you to be my witness. Will you do it? Please!”

      “Well if your parents are okay with it then okay I'll be your witness tomorrow. When does this occur?”

      “Oh it happens at sunrise so we'll need to be there before dawn! Oh Brick thank you so much!”

      RD then looked at the clock on the wall. “Oh horsefeathers! It's already that late!” She looked back at the rest of us. “Mom and Dad I need to get back and review my routine again before hitting the sack! Sorry to be a party pooper but I have to leave! Sky Brush, Petina, Carousel I want to thank you for coming here tonight. Brick I'll see you in the morning at the stadium!”

      Then she left a pouch of bits and then tore off like a rocket out of the restaurant. Leaving my household at the table with her parents. “So.” I said while continuing to eat my parfait. “A formal witness before Hurricane's Column has to be someone close to the competitor like a friend, family member or coworker? Correct?”

      Trade Winds looked at her husband and then smiled at me. “Yes dear, or somepony that the competitor hopes to propose to in the near future.”

      I choked on a spoonful of parfait.

To be continued.




Crash and burn Brick or pull up!! Time for some fancy flying.


I wonder how much of that is Trade Winds trolling Sky Brush if at all.

Eric Hinkle

Now I know why Dash doesn't mention her parents much. XD They have all the class of Rarity's.


Warning! warning! Danger Sky Brush! And does Sky Brush have an answer to that question? Doe he himself know it?


Nah they are a bit better than Rarity's. Just rather down to earth, for pegasi, folks.


And Sky Brush finds himself still suspended over the pit (with his wings bound).