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I just realized I have not posted the heavy manipulator units from the Roan RPG to DA! Oops!

       The problem with design strength amplification equipment is that you have to consider not just how much weight or force a single component can exert or support, but how much load can the overall structure take. There is limited use in having manipulator arms/legs that can lift 800lbs when the operator's spine will give out at 300lbs.

       The heavy manipulator is not just a set of attachments to the legs or hoofs like the light and medium units are. Instead it is full powered exoskeleton designed to let the pony operator cope with loads far beyond what their bodies could safely handle. It spreads the load out over the entire exoskeleton. It even spreads the ground pressure of the operator out over wider surface area so it won't sink as easily into soft ground, or damage the floors of work areas. Think of smaller and slightly, lighter pony version of the Power Loaders from the move "Aliens".

       Not speedy and intended for industrial application. I still imagine in the right situation a heavy manipulator unit could prove to be a nasty opponent if you let it get its manipulators on you!



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